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25. 8. 2023

Po številnih uspešno odstranjenih preprekah Cvinger ponovno kažejo mišice na način, ki je edini pravi: skozi glasbo. Njihov tretji album Doctrines by the Figures of Črnobog izide danes, prvi nastopi, recimo na letošnjem mariborskem Brutal Janez Festu, pa so že tudi pred vrati. V današnjem intervjuju boste izvedeli, katere prepreke je bilo treba odstraniti, da bandov črni plamen trenutno ponovno gori s polno močjo.

7. 8. 2023
Šakal (ENG)

Šakal is a Serbian black metal band formed in 2021. Since the band was founded by experienced members of the Serbian metal scene, it didn’t take long for the quartet to release their first songs. After a few singles, the first album entitled Yav, Prav, Nav followed along with their first live performance. In Slovenia, we will have an opportunity to see the band live soon, as the band is currently preparing for its live performance at the Brutal Janez Fest festival.

7. 8. 2023

Šakal je srbski black metal band, ki je bil ustanovljen leta 2021. Ker so band ustanovili izkušeni člani srbske metal scene, ni trajalo dolgo, da je četverica izdala svoje prve pesmi. Nekaj singlom je sledil prvenec z naslovom Jav, prav, nav, nakar je na vrsto prišel prvi nastop v živo. V Sloveniji bomo kmalu imeli priložnost videti band v živo, saj se trenutno pripravlja na nastop na festivalu Brutal Janez Fest.

21. 7. 2023

Photos by Espen Ixtlan.

At the Inferno Metal festival this year I got the chance to talk to Espen Ixtlan. He was Satyricon's band photographer for many years, the result of this collaboration was the publication of the book Satyricon In Europe 2006-2022, the first and only ever authorised book about Satyricon. Our conversation was completely spontaneous and was a collage of several previous conversations on the first days of the festival. So you’ll read different stories about how Espen got to know the band, what good and exciting things he experienced with the band and what plans the band still has.


21. 7. 2023

Avtor fotografij je Espen Ixtlan.

Letos sem na Inferno Metal Festivalu dobil priložnost govoriti z Espenom Ixtlanom. Espen je bil dolgoletni fotograf skupine Satyricon, rezultat tega sodelovanja je izid knjige Satyricon In Europe 2006–2022, prve in edine avtorizirane knjige o Satyricon. Najin povsem spontan pogovor je bil kolaž več prejšnjih pogovorov v prvih dneh festivala. Prebrali boste torej lahko različne zgodbe o tem, kako je Espen spoznal band, kaj dobrega in vznemirljivega je doživel z bandom in kakšne načrte band še ima.

19. 4. 2024
Iz ropotarnice: HammerFall - Glory to the Brave
19. 4. 2024
Jena / Wildrive
18. 4. 2024
Inquisition / Demonical
17. 4. 2024
La Squadra Demolizioni / Riot Squad / Exit Catacomb
17. 4. 2024
Austrian Death Machine - Quad Brutal
16. 4. 2024
VV / Zetra
16. 4. 2024
Claustrum / Intoxichate / Gastritis
15. 4. 2024
VV / Zetra
20. 4. 2024
Schirenc plays Pungent Stench, Dickless Tracy, Behind the Rails
JUZ Wolfsberg, Avstrija
20. 4. 2024
Hiša mladih, Ajdovščina
20. 4. 2024
Penitenziagite, Guyođ, Decair
TrainStation SubArt, Kranj
20. 4. 2024
Heedless Elegance, Niamh, Life on Display
Dvorana Gustaf, Pekarna, Maribor
20. 4. 2024
Tarot, Eisenhand, Death Racer
AKC Attack, Medika, Zagreb
20. 4. 2024
Buss, Jegulja, Goragorja
MC Podlaga, Sežana