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23. 10. 2020

Cult of Fire, Malokarpatan

Orto Bar, Ljubljana
Organizator: Dirty Skunks

European tour 2020 is rescheduled! Tickets remain vaild.

Vstopnice! 22 evrov v predprodaji, 25 evrov na dan koncerta. Prek On-Parole, v trgovini Big Nose ali v Orto baru!

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Vzhodnjaška invazija

Še preden so svet s svojim performansom in glasbo obnoreli poljski Batushka, so podobno, čeprav morda malce bolj orientalsko obarvano izvajali Čehi Cult Of Fire, atmosferični black metalci, ki aprila napadejo Slovenijo.

Trio, ki ga tvorijo aktivni ali nekdanji člani kultnih zasedb, kot so Lykathea Aflame, Death Karma, Dark Storm, hara že od leta 2012. Izdali so dva odlična albuma in cel kup singlov, demotov itd., njihova posebnost pa je srhljivi live performans, okrepljen z odlično glasbo in nenavadno odrsko scenografijo. Kaj takega je preprosto treba videti!

Pred njimi bodo nastopili znanci slovenske publike, Slovaki Malokarpatan, ki pa igrajo miks heavy in black metala.

Odlična temačna kombinacija za nepredvidljive aprilske dni. Turnejska karavana bo napadla Orto Bar v Ljubljani 17. aprila 2020. Vstopnice so že na voljo!

After exclusive fly-in performances in over 30 countries around the world, CULT OF FIRE will do a first European tour in the history of the band in April 2020!

This live appearance format was chosen to bring out the full potential of live CULT OF FIRE experience. The band will tour with the upcoming new album „Moksha / Nirvana“ being freshly released, there will be new live setlist accompanied by new stage decorations, attire and the whole visual concept reworked to fit the concept of the new album. Many elements of the new visual theme are designed especially for the tour and some of these features would be impossible to transport by plane.

The tour with special guest Slovakian heavy blacksters Malokarpatan (they will also promote new album „Krupinské ohne“ to be released in the start of 2020 by Invictus Prod) will be the only possibility to see Cult Of Fire live on the continent in 2020 (there will be no festival appearances or other European shows that year).

Cult Of Fire


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