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7. 2. 2019

KoD: Grob, Britof, Smrt

Orto Bar, Ljubljana
Organizator: Kadilnica of Death

Kadilnica of Death: Koncert skupin GROB, BRITOF in SMRT
Četrtek, 7. 2. 2019, Orto Bar, Ljubljana

Pridruži se Kadilnici of Death na Facebooku:

Grob … Britof … Smrt …
Vse, kar je treba vedeti, povedo že imena nastopajočih bandov.

Začetek koncerta v klubu ob 21h!

21.00 sprejem v mrliško vežico
21.30–22.00 SMRT
22.20–23.00 Britof
23.20–00.00 Grob

Cena vstopnice za koncert: 6 €

Za obiskovalce s KoD člansko izkaznico je vstopnica brezplačna!

Metal večer v Kadilnici of Death od 21h do 4h!

Vstopnine na metal večer ni!


Nothing is certain, nothing is written ... there is no fate nor coincidence!
In MMXVI Grob as a dark raucous manifestation, a spiritual gateway from here to the beyond, an ambiguous vessel, navigating straight into the everlasting devouring jaws of the abyss.

A. M. - guitars/voices
J. F. - guitars
A. T. - bass
A. F. - drums


Britof offers you a dose of filth,blasphemy,guts,doom and gore..
Hail satan! \m/

Bass: Kokta
Guitar: Pok
Drums/vox: Alex


SMRT was officially formed in late February of 2017 by Luka Gjerkeš on guitar and Urban Saletinger on drums after they had disbanded their previous band. The line-up was later on completed by two other members, Dominik Kaučič on bass and Tim Hajdinjak on vocals. In the following months SMRT released their first official demo “Aspect of Emotion”. The effort proved to be ill faded but still showed promise of what was to come. Tim Hajdinjak’s vision of the band did not fit the ever developing style and he was let go. Domen Rotar joined soon after, as he was an old friend and had the same drive and passion for music as the other members. What followed was SMRT’s first EP “The Will to Power”, a visualisation of the bands idea of what their music should be, an atmospheric experience of all the emotions a human can experience. Soon after they released their first live album “SMRT Live at Breka” which was recorded at the 2018 BrekaFest they also released their second EP “Third Eye Open” and are looking to evolve with every release.

Kadilnica of Death:

Dirty Skunks predstavljamo vsakoletno serijo metal večerov, ki se pod imenom Kadilnica of Death odvijajo vsak 1., 3. in 5. četrtek v mesecu, od 21h dalje, v Orto Baru. Pričakujete lahko veliko raznolike metal glasbe z različnimi DJ-i in tematskimi večeri, seveda pa sprejemamo tudi glasbene želje. Zagotovo vas bodo razveselile tudi akcijske cene pijač in biljarda, nekajkrat mesečno pa bomo v okviru metal večera priredili tudi koncert domačega metal benda s simbolično vstopnino. Kadilnica of Death se ob vstopu skozi vhodna vrata Orto Bara nahaja naravnost pred vami.
Vse informacije o Kadilnici of Death:
Kadilnica of Death na FB:
Spletna stran Dirty Skunks:

13. 2. 2019Smrt / Britof / Grob / Reportaže
11. 2. 2019Smrt / Britof / Grob / Galerija
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