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15. 4. 2019

Bliža se mednarodna konferenca na temo black metala

V četrtek in petek bo Moderna galerija v Ljubljani gostila mednarodno konferenco na temo black metala, ki jo prirejajo Radio Študent, Študentsko filozofsko društvo (ŠFD) in KUD Anarhiv pod geslom Void, Lack and Destruction: Black metal and negativity – International Black Metal Theory Symposium. Na strani dogodka na Facebooku lahko preberete izvlečke nekaterih prispevkov in program, ki je objavljen tudi tukaj.

Dvodnevni dogodek se bo v petek zvečer zaključil z nastopom domačih black metal zasedb Ways of a Heretic in Ater Era v Menzi pri koritu na Metelkovi. Več informacij o koncertu najdete na Facebooku in v našem napovedniku.

Na konferenci, ki bo potekala v angleščini, bodo svoje prispevke predstavili naslednji domači in tuji gosti:

Simon Smole – Walter Benjamin’s Satanic Smile

Georgios Karakasis – The »Black« Revolt Against the Modern World

Marko Rusjan – The passage into the unknown: emancipatory potentials of Black metal

Adin Crnkić – »Crimes of Capital, Crimes of the State«: Red and Anarchist Black Metal and its impact

Jasna Babić – 'Too Old and Too Cold': Black Metal and Contemporal Subcultural Theory

Matej Trontelj – Analyses of Themes of Misogyny and Racism in Music of Type O Negative

Mirt Bezlaj – Of Torture and Despair

Camille Bera – Why does it sound so gloomy? A musicological approach to Black Metal’s negativity

Primož Krašovec – Black Metal as Anti-Metal

Ondřej Daniel – I am Satan. I am Lucifer. I am [the] Devil.”: Ecstatic practices of Czech and Slovak black metal

Yiren Zhao – The Chinese Identity in the Chinese Black Metal

Adrien Nonjon – Restoring the power of Darkness and opening the gates of Chaos in Europe: Intellectual origins, political practices, and dynamics of the «Militant Black Metal»

Robert Bobnič – Phosphene: Non-Di-Visions in Black Metal

Lukáš Makovický – Ad Inhominem: Totalitarianism and Transcendance

Boris Ondreička – “Actually, the Living Are Not Living” (La promesse de bonheur)

Lexi Turner – “Despite being chained to the festering corpse”: putrefaction and preservation in black metal xenochronic temporality

Mark Horváth & Ádám Lovász – Uninhabiting the Gaping Black Night: Gravitational Distortion and the Truth of Extinction

Matija Potočnik Pribošič – The Dark Sublime And The End Of All Things

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