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24. 4. 2024

Iz tabora hrvaških doom metalcev Old Night sporočajo, da jih je zapustil vokalist in kitarist Matej Hanžek. Vrzel v zasedbi bo na vokalu tako zapolnil njegov brat Ivan, na kitari pa se je zasedbi pridružil Rafael Cvitković (Nekroza). Spodaj lahko preberete celotno izjavo banda:

»This is a post I write with a heavy heart, yet full of hope and with a bright look on the future. After eight years with us as our lead singer and frontman, earlier this year Matej decided to step down from his duties within Old Night. I know you are hoping for some gossip or a sassy story, but there was no drama involved. He just wants to focus on other things in life and at this point, music is not a priority for him. Having said that, I wish to thank him on our behalf for everything he has done for us, all the great times we shared on stage and backstage, but also for all the long hours he has put in working on our first three records. It was a privilege and you'll always be a part of our family. Obviously, this news has taken us aback and we had to figure out how best to proceed. We took some time to see what our options were, as this is an important role we needed to fill. After much deliberation we figured out we need not look outside our band for a perfect candidate as we have one in our midst. Ivan has been singing all the backing vocals from day one and from now on he will be handling all the lead vocals. No need to worry, he’ll remain our lead guitarist as well.

The only piece of the puzzle left to figure out was who’ll play the rhythm guitars? Without further ado, we welcome Rafael Cvitković, from the Croatian death metal machine Nekroza, as our new guitarist. If you attended our concerts, you might have already seen him filling in on sound checks or working on our merch booth. Nekroza just released their debut album on InsArt Records – you can check them out and show them your support.

With our line-up complete, we will continue working on our new record and we hope we’ll have some news in that regard soon. In a couple of weeks, we’ll have our first concert with the new line-up and we can’t wait to present you the New Old Night.«

24. 4. 2024

Kanadčani Unleash The Archers so posneli nov videospot. Za novi video je band izbral komad Seeking Vengeance s prihajajočega albuma Phantoma, ki izide 10. maja pri Napalm Records.

22. 4. 2024

Italijanski black metal projekt Ultio, za katerim stoji Giorgio Barroccu, bo 23. maja pri Brucia Records izdal EP Cor, s katerega sta znana že dva od šestih komadov:

The Grey Inferno
A Thousand Times More
Looking For Eyes

18. 4. 2024

Britanski veterani heavy metala Demon ob 45-letnici delovanja napovedujejo izid novega albuma Invincible. Ta izide 17. maja pri Frontiers Music. Tracklista:

In My Blood
Face the Master
Ghost from the Past
Beyond the Darkside
Hole in the Sky
Break the Spell
Rise Up
Cradle to the Grave
Breaking the Silence
Forever Seventeen

16. 4. 2024

Ameriška heavy metal/gothic rock zasedba Sonja je objavila video za single Discretion for the Generous.

15. 4. 2024

Kerry King je objavil video za drugi single Residue s prihajajočega prvenca From Hell I Rise, katerega izid je že napovedan za 17. maj pri založbi Reigning Phoenix Music.

11. 4. 2024

Kvlt ov Seitan Booking po zimskem spanju znova pripravljajo nov ritual. Spring Ritvall se bo tako zgodil 10. maja v klubu Gromka na Metelkovi, nastopili pa bodo Unviar in Solfar iz Italije ter domači Ways Of A Heretic.

Več o samem dogodku najdete v našem Napovedniku.

11. 4. 2024

Deathcorovci Chelsea Grin sporočajo, da je vrzel na bobnarskem stolčku zapolnil Josh Miller. Zasedba se je pred kratkim razšla z bobnarjem Pablom Viverosom in tako je nov polnopravni član zasedbe postal Josh. Izjava banda:

»We hope everyone has been doing well; we have some updates. We have parted ways with our fill-in drummer, Nathan Pearson. We sincerely value his friendship, as well as his devotion to furthering his craft and bringing his all to the stage. We truly look forward to watching his drumming career continue to blossom and advance, and value his time with us.

Furthermore, the band and Pablo have mutually agreed to separate. Pablo is one of our oldest friends, the life of the party, a masterful player, and a powerful creative. After Pablo spent some years away from the band, we all came together and realized that personal visions had diverged through time. We will always wish the very best for him, and seriously value all that he brought not only to the band, but to our lives. Nothing but tremendous love for him, always. We also encourage everyone to show support for him, Jaek and Alex’s new band, Ameonna.

Moving forward, we are proud and excited to announce that Josh Miller will be joining Chelsea Grin. It goes without saying that the future is bright – you will hear it in our music and witness it in our performances.

We keep very much to ourselves at this stage in our lives, but when we check in we want each of you to know that you are deeply and sincerely valued – we are so grateful for the opportunity to do what we love. We cannot wait to bring more of our vision to you all. Thank you for the years of support and love, and we will see you on our current tour supporting Fit For A King.«

10. 4. 2024

Z EP-jem We Are, We Remain... se po 12-letnem studijskem zatišju vračajo poljski black/death metalci North. EP bo izšel 29. aprila pri Pagan Records in bo prinesel pet komadov:

Czas by powstali
Stulecia we krwi
Horda duchów
Hymn to Winter
A Fine Day to Die (Bathory cover)

4. 4. 2024

Ameriški black metal dvojec Akhlys napoveduje peti album House of the Black Geminus, ki ga bo 5. julija izdal pri založbi Debemur Morti Productions. Album, o katerem je Alcameth več izdal v tretjem delu intervjuja za Bardo Methodology, obsega te naslove:

The Mask of Night-speaking
Maze of Phobetor
Through the Abyssal Door
Black Geminus
Sister Silence, Brother Sleep
Eye of the Daemon – Daemon I

4. 4. 2024

Po tem, ko so se thrasherke Jenner pred kratkim razšle z bobnarko Seleno Simić, zdaj dekleta predstavljajo njeno zamenjavo. Nova stara bobnarka je postala Marija Dragićević, ki je z bandom sodelovala že od leta 2013 do 2021. Izjava banda:

»As many of you suspected, Marija is once again taking a place behind the drum kit in our band! For those who may not now, Marija is Alexandra's sister. She was the original drummer of Jenner, but had to take a step back from the band due to some personal issues. However, she's back and ready to hit the stage with us again! Join us in welcoming Marija back to the band!«

3. 4. 2024

Kot smo januarja poročali, je v 78. letu starosti umrl Tony Clarkin, kitarist, ustanovitelj britanskih veteranov Magnum. Že takrat se je šušljalo, da to pomeni tudi konec za zasedbo, ki je to zdaj tudi uradno potrdila. Izjava vokalista Boba Catleyja:

»Hello, everybody. Bob here. All right. I wish I didn't have to tell you this, but I really can't carry on with Tony not here anymore. Please forgive me, and I hope you can understand how I feel. I've been thinking about it a lot lately.
Since we lost Tone, we lost our guiding light, the magnum force behind the band, our songwriter, our producer, our guitar player. He was everything to the band. He was everything to me. For the last 50 years, we never went anywhere without each other. On tour, in the studio, I was at his side constantly, working on stuff with him. I had a wonderful life with Tony. But now it's all too much for me, people. I can't carry on without Tony.
I may pop up in some other shape or form in the near future – you never know – but I can't keep going on like this. It's far too sad; it's all too sad.
So, I hope you understand. You've been fantastic – the best audience ever. You kept this band going year after year, album after album, and we thank you for that.
So, be good. Keep Tony's music in your heart always. I know I will. I will always carry MAGNUM inside me. And I will always have Tony Clarkin beside me wherever I go.
I love you. You've been brilliant. But it's time for me to bow out now. It's my last curtain call, okay? I'll see you sometime. Be good. Cheers. Bye-bye.«

2. 4. 2024

Kanadski black/death metalci Adversarial predstavljajo komad Merging Within the Destroyer, s katerim najavljajo tretji studijski album z naslovom Solitude with the Eternal. Ta bo izšel 31. maja pri založbi Dark Descent Records in obsega naslednje naslove:

Beware the Howling Darkness on Thine Left Shoulder
Hatred Kiln of Vengeance
Witness to the Eternal Light
Death is an Advisor in the Woods of the Devil
Crushed into the Kingdom of Darkness
Merging Within the Destroyer
Fanes at the Engur
Endless Maze of Blackest Dominion

27. 3. 2024

Škotski progresivneži Dvne predstavljajo drugi single Abode of the Perfect Soul s prihajajočega albuma Voidking. Ta izide 19. aprila pri založbi Metal Blade Records.

27. 3. 2024

Švedski power metal dvojec New Horizon napoveduje izid drugega albuma Conquerors. Album bo izšel 14. junija pri založbi Frontiers Music Srl in bo zajemal te komade:

Against the Odds
King of Kings
Shadow Warrior
Fallout War
Messenger of the Stars
Before the Dawn
Edge of Insanity
Alexander the Great (356 – 323 B.C.)

25. 4. 2024
Godspeed You! Black Emperor
Kino Šiška, Ljubljana
25. 4. 2024
Srd, Ater Era, Britof, Prater
Klub Močvara, Zagreb, Hrvaška
26. 4. 2024
The Swampnosis: A Gram Trip, Hrmülja, Lord Drunkalot
Klub Močvara, Zagreb, Hrvaška
26. 4. 2024
LOYAL TO NONE vol. two
MC Gornja Radgona, Gornja Radgona
26. 4. 2024
Srd, Ater Era, Britof
MC Pekarna, Maribor
26. 4. 2024
Buss, Dunraven
Mladinski center Postojna, Postojna