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24. 4. 2024

Black metal dvojec Iskald iz Norveške je trenutno v fazi predprodukcije materiala za novo ploščo, ki bo nasledila album Innhøstinga, ki je izšel 2018. Več informacij sledi kmalu.

24. 4. 2024

Savdski thrash manijaki Dune predstavljajo single Refuge s prihajajočega EP-ja Years Of Chains. Izšel naj bi 31. maja in bo zajemal te komade:


24. 4. 2024

Iz tabora hrvaških doom metalcev Old Night sporočajo, da jih je zapustil vokalist in kitarist Matej Hanžek. Vrzel v zasedbi bo na vokalu tako zapolnil njegov brat Ivan, na kitari pa se je zasedbi pridružil Rafael Cvitković (Nekroza). Spodaj lahko preberete celotno izjavo banda:

»This is a post I write with a heavy heart, yet full of hope and with a bright look on the future. After eight years with us as our lead singer and frontman, earlier this year Matej decided to step down from his duties within Old Night. I know you are hoping for some gossip or a sassy story, but there was no drama involved. He just wants to focus on other things in life and at this point, music is not a priority for him. Having said that, I wish to thank him on our behalf for everything he has done for us, all the great times we shared on stage and backstage, but also for all the long hours he has put in working on our first three records. It was a privilege and you'll always be a part of our family. Obviously, this news has taken us aback and we had to figure out how best to proceed. We took some time to see what our options were, as this is an important role we needed to fill. After much deliberation we figured out we need not look outside our band for a perfect candidate as we have one in our midst. Ivan has been singing all the backing vocals from day one and from now on he will be handling all the lead vocals. No need to worry, he’ll remain our lead guitarist as well.

The only piece of the puzzle left to figure out was who’ll play the rhythm guitars? Without further ado, we welcome Rafael Cvitković, from the Croatian death metal machine Nekroza, as our new guitarist. If you attended our concerts, you might have already seen him filling in on sound checks or working on our merch booth. Nekroza just released their debut album on InsArt Records – you can check them out and show them your support.

With our line-up complete, we will continue working on our new record and we hope we’ll have some news in that regard soon. In a couple of weeks, we’ll have our first concert with the new line-up and we can’t wait to present you the New Old Night.«

24. 4. 2024

Danes se v ljubljanskem Orto Baru začenja promocijska turneja tretjega albuma black metalcev Srd. Z njimi se na pot podajajo Ater Era ter Britof, v Orto Baru pa jih bodo spremljali še Ayd. Da ne boste katerega od bandov zamudili, pa objavljamo tudi časovnico:

18.30 vrata
18.50 Ayd
19.50 Britof
20.50 Ater Era
21.50 Srd

24. 4. 2024

Grški veljaki ekstremnega metala Rotting Christ predstavljajo novi single The Apostate s prihajajočega albuma Pro Xristou. Ta izide 24. maja pri Season Of Mist, spodaj pa si lahko ogledate tudi animirani video za zgoraj omenjeni single.

Rotting Christ boste letos lahko v živo ujeli tudi pri nas, in sicer 5. julija na festivalu Metaljot Raspaljot v Laškem.

24. 4. 2024

Progresivci Wheel pred izidom tretjega albuma Charismatic Leaders, ki izide 3. maja, predstavljajo še tretji single Disciple. Za komad je band posnel tudi vizualizer, ki ga najdete spodaj.

24. 4. 2024

Švedsko-kanadski death metalci Darkened bodo 14. junija pri Edged Circle Productions na zgoščenki, vinilu, kaseti in digitalno izdali tretji album Defilers of the Light. Ta prinaša enajst komadov:

Waves of Desolation
Defilers of the Light
Those Who Dwell Below
In Praise of Shadows
Just Close Your Eyes
Echoes of Solitude
On We Slaughter
Dead Inside
Masses of Vain Observance
As Apocalypse Dawns
Final Sanctuary

24. 4. 2024

Španska doom/post metal zasedba Boveda Del Sol je napovedala Collective Unconsciousness, svoj drugi studijski album. Ta bo izšel 17. maja in prinesel šest komadov:

Moonless Night
Oscillation Invocation
Collective Unconsciousness
Event Horizon

24. 4. 2024

Na izbrani spletni platformi lahko poslušate Haeresis Maleficarum, tretji album italijanskih power metalcev Ignis Mortis.

24. 4. 2024

Ameriška heavy metal zasedba Sunbomb sporoča, da bo junija izdala nov album z naslovom Light Up The Sky. Točen datum izida je 24. junij, izdala ga bo založba Frontiers Records, pred izidom pa prisluhnite komadu Unbreakable.

24. 4. 2024

Dansko-nemški death metalci Asinhell z videospotom za komad Pyromantic Scryer spominjajo na lanski dolgometražni prvenec Impii Hora.

23. 4. 2024

Ukrajinska blackened death/doom zasedba Sidus Atrum, ki od lani deluje kot dvojec, je posnela besedilni videospot za pesem Pulse of Life s prihajajočega albuma Torn Sky. Plošček bo izšel 10. maja pri Kvlt und Kaos Productions in bo prinesel šest pesmi:

Розірване небо (Torn Sky)
Коли земля кричала (When the Earth Was Screaming)
Сталеві янголи (Angels of Steel)
Гірше за ката (Worse than the Torturer)
Чи поглине нас темрява? (Will Darkness Swallow Us?)
Пульс життя (Pulse of Life)

23. 4. 2024

Na izbrani spletni platformi lahko poslušate Into the Silence, tretji album italijanskih power metalcev Perseus.

23. 4. 2024

Španski death/doom metalci Golgotha bodo 14. junija pri Ardua Music izdali Spreading the Wings of Hope, dolgometražni album številka šest. Ta prinaša osem novih komadov:

For Every Tear
Gilded Cage
A Solitary Soul
Hear Their Cries
Human Vultures
Closed Heart
Spreading Wings of Hope
Hope as Guide

23. 4. 2024

V celoti na voljo za poslušanje je Despondency Chord Progressions, tretji album venezuelske enočlanske black metal zasedbe Selbst.

25. 4. 2024
Godspeed You! Black Emperor
Kino Šiška, Ljubljana
25. 4. 2024
Srd, Ater Era, Britof, Prater
Klub Močvara, Zagreb, Hrvaška
26. 4. 2024
The Swampnosis: A Gram Trip, Hrmülja, Lord Drunkalot
Klub Močvara, Zagreb, Hrvaška
26. 4. 2024
LOYAL TO NONE vol. two
MC Gornja Radgona, Gornja Radgona
26. 4. 2024
Srd, Ater Era, Britof
MC Pekarna, Maribor
26. 4. 2024
Buss, Dunraven
Mladinski center Postojna, Postojna