17. 4. 2023

Nemški brutalni death metal dvojec Infecting the Swarm je izdal Pulsing Coalescence, svoj tretji dolgometražni album.

23. 9. 2022

Elder, ki bodo prihodnji teden nastopili v Ljubljani, bodo 25. novembra pri založbi Stickman Records izdali album z naslovom Innate Passage, ki prinaša naslednje komade:

Endless Returnv Coalescence
Merged In Dreams - Ne Plus Ultra
The Purpose

6. 7. 2020

Finska funeral death/doom zasedba Convocation je v celoti objavila sveže izdani album Ashes Coalesce.

Avtorica: Tina Urek
18. 8. 2016

Preko Newnoisemagazine.com lahko premierno prisluhnete skladbi Forever Hurtling Towards Andromeda s prihajajočega albuma ameriških metalcore veteranov Norma Jean z naslovom Polar Similar, v kateri sodeluje tudi vokalist Sean Ingram iz skupine Coalesce. Gre za njihov sedmi dolgometražni album, ki bo izšel 9. septembra pri založbi Solid State Records. Tracklista je sledeča:
I. The Planet
Everyone Talking Over Everyone Else
Forever Hurtling Towards Andromeda (feat. Sean Ingram)
1,000,000 Watts
II. The People
Death Is A Living Partner
Synthetic Sun
III. The Nebula
The Close And Discontent
An Ocean Of War
A Thousand Years A Minute
IV. The Nexus

16. 3. 2016

Kanadski death metalci Corprophemia so prejšnji teden pri CDN Records izdali svoj drugi album z naslovom Abhorrogenesis. Na njem so naslednji komadi:
The Descent
Coalesce The Human Condition
Palace Of Pine
Hour Of The Witch
... And Consumes Us All
An Offering To The Ancient Ones
Divine Creation
An Ode To Kingdoms Cold
Supreme Dark Covenant

23. 11. 2011
Preko Metalsucks.net lahko v celoti poslušate deluxe edicijo nove izdaje albuma Give Them Rope grinderjev Coalesce, ki je včeraj izšla pri Relapse Records. /B.B./

26. 9. 2011
Spodaj lahko primerjate razliko med originalnim in novim masteringom albuma Coalesce z naslovom Give Them Rope. Nova verzija na dveh CDjih bo na voljo 22. novembra. /B.B./

13. 9. 2011
Založba Relapse Records bo 22. novembra ponovno izdala prvenec Give Them Rope grinderjev Coalesce. Dvojna izdaja prinaša originalni album iz leta 1997 ter prvo re-izdajo iz leta 2004 z naslovom Give Them Rope She Said V2.0, na kateri se nahajajo alternativne verzije skladb. /B.B./

19. 11. 2008
Decembra bo založba Earache izdala boxset petih CDjev z naslovom World Wide Metal:
CD1 - USA:
01 Deicide - Desecration
02 Hate Eternal - Nailed to Obscurity
03 Morbid Angel - Immortal Rites
04 Terrorizer - Dead Shall Rise
05 Clutch - Piledriver
06 Municipal Waste - Terror Shark
07 Bonded By Blood - Psychotic Pulse
08 Violator - After Nuclear Devastation
09 Sleep - The Druid
10 Coalesce - Harvest of Maturity
11 Brutal Truth - Anti-Homophobe
12 Order of Ennead - The Culling
13 Oceano - Samael The Destroyer (demo)
14 Adema - Barricades in Time
15 Garden of Shadows - Oracle Moon

CD2 - UK:
01 Napalm Death - Mentally Murdered
02 Carcass - Exhume to Consume
03 Akercocke - Enraptured by Evil
04 Evile - Bathe in Blood
05 SSS - Warhorse
06 Gama Bomb - Hammer Slammer
07 Hellbastard - I Beg in Blood
08 Iron Monkey - 666 Pack
09 Biomechanical - Fallen in Fear
10 Bolt Thrower - Shreds of Sanity
11 Cathedral - Vampire Sun
12 Extreme Noise Terror - Conned Through Life
13 Unseen Terror - Expulsion of Wrath
14 Ignominious Incarceration - The Saviour (demo)
15 The Boy Will Drown - We Take The Out of Psycho Therapist (demo)
16 Narcosis - Ode to A Worthless Fucking Piece of Shit
17 Narcosis - Mouthful of Ammunition
18 Narcosis - A Work Related Murder Spree
19 Godflesh - Tiny Tears
20 Dub War - Million Dollar Love

CD3 - Scandinavia
01 At the Gates - Nausea
02 The Haunted - D.O.A
03 Entombed - But Life Goes On
04 Cult of Luna - Dark Side of the Sun
05 Misery Loves Co – A Million Lies
06 Mortiis - The Loneliest Thing
07 Blood Red Throne - Taste of God
08 Anata - Better Grieved Than Fooled
09 Insision - The Foul Smell of Humans
10 Exmortem - The Pressure of Our Jaws
11 Cadaver Inc - Murderhead
12 Corporation 187 - Perfection in Pain
13 Filthy Christians - Dom Ljuger
14 Carnage - Dark Recollections
15 Deathwitch - Coffin Fornicator
16 Wolverine - Sarah
17 Gandalf - Morning Sun
18 Farmakon - Stretching Into Me
19 Dawn of Relic - Welkins Gat

01 Massacre - Biohazard
02 Nocturnus - Neolithic
03 Confessor - Uncontrolled
04 December - Host
05 Society 1 – It Isn't Me
06 Spazztic Blurr - Bedrock Blur
07 OLD - Devolve
08 Usurper - Warriors of Iron and Rust
09 The Chasm - Fortress
10 With Passion - R.J. MacReady
11 Painkiller - Purgatory of Fiery Vulvas
12 Meathook Seed - Famine Sector
13 Anal Cunt - Dead Gay and Dropped
14 Anal Cunt - Phyllis is An Old Annoying Cunt
15 Anal Cunt - You're Dumb
16 December Wolves - Solid Gold Beating
17 Shortie - Truth

CD5 - Europe
01 Vader - Reign Carrion
02 Decapitated - The First Damned
03 Severe Torture - Dismal Perception
04 Linea 77 - Tutto Quello Che No Sempre Voluto
05 Ephel Duath - Imploding
06 Nox – Darkness Undying
07 Lost Soul - World of Sin
08 Blo Torch - Panzerstorm
09 Rabies Caste - Hand Abortion
10 Rakoth - Og' Elend
11 The Elysian Fields - I Am the Unknown Sky
12 Forest Stream - Autumn Elegy
13 Without Face - In the Garden
14 Addiction Crew - What About


9. 6. 2024
Barba Negra, Budimpešta, Madžarska
10. 6. 2024
Tool, Night Verses
Stadthalle, Dunaj, Avstrija
11. 6. 2024
Slaughter to Prevail
Media Center, Ljubljana
11. 6. 2024
Gala hala, Metelkova, Ljubljana
12. 6. 2024
Nebula, Modula Nation, Buss
Vintage Industrial Bar, Zagreb, Hrvaška
13. 6. 2024
Igorrr, Sanguisugabogg
Kino Šiška, Ljubljana