26. 4. 2024

V okviru turneje Theatrum Mortis Humanae Tour začnejo Srd, Ater Era in Britof danes v Mariboru ob 20. uri:

19.30 vrata
20.00 Britof
21.20 Ater Era
22.40 Srd

23. 4. 2024

Mednarodna progressive metal zasedba Seventh Station je razkrila vse datume prihajajočega evropskega popotovanja. Heal The Unhealed – Spring Tour 2024 bodo otvorili 16. maja s koncertom v Mariboru (MC Pekarna), sklenili pa 26. maja v Sofiji (Old Skulls). Koncertni datumi si sicer sledijo takole:

16. 5. 2024 Maribor – SLO (MC Pekarna)
19. 5. 2024 Brežice – SLO (grajsko dvorišče Posavskega muzeja)
21. 5. 2024 Zrenjanin – SRB (Mitraljez)
22. 5. 2024 Požarevac – SRB (Klub KB)
25. 5. 2024 Plovdiv –  BG (Spike Showcase Festival)
26. 5. 2024 Sofija – BG (Old Skulls)


Avtorica: Tina Urek
17. 4. 2024

Organizatorji dogodkov Hangtime Agency sporočajo, da je nedeljski koncert zasedb Grima in Ultar v zagrebškem klubu Močvara odpovedan. Odpovedana sta tudi koncerta v Beogradu in Novem Sadu ter tudi 40 drugih nastopov skupin po Evropi. Zapletlo se je namreč pri vizah. Izjava banda:

»Dear followers of the Grima cult, sometimes even the biggest and oldest spruce tree can't withstand (in)human acts. There is a point where we have to bow down and accept what cannot be changed.
After 4 months of non-stop efforts from everyone involved behind the scenes, the best we got is a 30 days stay in the Schengen area. We have applied for a 90 days arts science visa, which we have been granted in past years, but not this time, the reasons have not been communicated to us.
We did everything we could do, Asgaardian Events and even Les Acteurs de L'Ombre Productions helped us as much as possible, but all we got are these 30 days for now, which we shall use to the fullest.
Our first show will be on the April 25 in Switzerland and the last one will be on the May 22 in Paris. Any other show will be cancelled. There will be no further rescheduling. We will be happy to see each one of our cultists at these shows. We won't have any other Central European tours in the near future, except a few festivals next year, which we are already negotiating with.«

11. 4. 2024

Deathcorovci Chelsea Grin sporočajo, da je vrzel na bobnarskem stolčku zapolnil Josh Miller. Zasedba se je pred kratkim razšla z bobnarjem Pablom Viverosom in tako je nov polnopravni član zasedbe postal Josh. Izjava banda:

»We hope everyone has been doing well; we have some updates. We have parted ways with our fill-in drummer, Nathan Pearson. We sincerely value his friendship, as well as his devotion to furthering his craft and bringing his all to the stage. We truly look forward to watching his drumming career continue to blossom and advance, and value his time with us.

Furthermore, the band and Pablo have mutually agreed to separate. Pablo is one of our oldest friends, the life of the party, a masterful player, and a powerful creative. After Pablo spent some years away from the band, we all came together and realized that personal visions had diverged through time. We will always wish the very best for him, and seriously value all that he brought not only to the band, but to our lives. Nothing but tremendous love for him, always. We also encourage everyone to show support for him, Jaek and Alex’s new band, Ameonna.

Moving forward, we are proud and excited to announce that Josh Miller will be joining Chelsea Grin. It goes without saying that the future is bright – you will hear it in our music and witness it in our performances.

We keep very much to ourselves at this stage in our lives, but when we check in we want each of you to know that you are deeply and sincerely valued – we are so grateful for the opportunity to do what we love. We cannot wait to bring more of our vision to you all. Thank you for the years of support and love, and we will see you on our current tour supporting Fit For A King.«

3. 4. 2024

Kot smo januarja poročali, je v 78. letu starosti umrl Tony Clarkin, kitarist, ustanovitelj britanskih veteranov Magnum. Že takrat se je šušljalo, da to pomeni tudi konec za zasedbo, ki je to zdaj tudi uradno potrdila. Izjava vokalista Boba Catleyja:

»Hello, everybody. Bob here. All right. I wish I didn't have to tell you this, but I really can't carry on with Tony not here anymore. Please forgive me, and I hope you can understand how I feel. I've been thinking about it a lot lately.
Since we lost Tone, we lost our guiding light, the magnum force behind the band, our songwriter, our producer, our guitar player. He was everything to the band. He was everything to me. For the last 50 years, we never went anywhere without each other. On tour, in the studio, I was at his side constantly, working on stuff with him. I had a wonderful life with Tony. But now it's all too much for me, people. I can't carry on without Tony.
I may pop up in some other shape or form in the near future – you never know – but I can't keep going on like this. It's far too sad; it's all too sad.
So, I hope you understand. You've been fantastic – the best audience ever. You kept this band going year after year, album after album, and we thank you for that.
So, be good. Keep Tony's music in your heart always. I know I will. I will always carry MAGNUM inside me. And I will always have Tony Clarkin beside me wherever I go.
I love you. You've been brilliant. But it's time for me to bow out now. It's my last curtain call, okay? I'll see you sometime. Be good. Cheers. Bye-bye.«

28. 3. 2024

Novembra se bodo tudi Benighted in Baest skupaj odpravili na evropsko turnejo. Kot posebni gostje se bodo karavani pridružili Coffin Feeder. Nam najbliže se bo turneja Beast Against Beast European Tour 2024 20. novembra ustavila v graškem klubu Explosiv.

22. 3. 2024

V sredo smo poročali, da se bo danes v mariborskem Gustafu zgodil dogodek Weekend Toretoure Vol. 1. Zdaj pa je znano, v kakšnem časovnem zaporedju bodo nastopili bandi:

20.00 vrata
21.00 Marjetice
21.45 Athiria
22.40 Macabre Demise
23.30 Hailstone

20. 3. 2024

V mariborskem Gustafu se bo v petek odvil dogodek Weekend Toretoure Vol. 1. Nastopili bodo nemški brutaličarji Macabre Demise, avstrijski death metalci Athiria, nemški black/death metalci Hailstone, ter domači death/thrash metalci Marjetice. Za vstopnino boste odšteli 12 EUR.

Avtorica: Tina Urek
18. 3. 2024

Veljak norveške black metal scene Abbath se letošnje poletje znova odpravlja na turnejo po Evropi. Turneja z imenom Return to the Raven Realms Tour bo nekaj posebnega zlasti zaradi tega, ker se bo Abbath z bandom sprehodil skozi cel katalog komadov, ki jih je kot član legendarnih Immortal soustvaril med 1992 in 2009. 1. avgusta se bo karavana ustavila tudi na Dunaju, in kot pravi Abbath, bo celotna turneja nekaj posebnega:

»I can’t wait to get back on stage this summer to perform some old favorites that I haven’t played for a long, long time. Mark my words – it’s going to be loud and epic!«

19. 2. 2024

Power metalci Kamelot, ki so lani izdali album The Awakening, bodo oktobra nadaljevali drugi del evropske turneje, v okviru katere se bo zasedba 19. oktobra ustavila v ljubljanskem Kinu Šiška. Vse datume turneje po Ameriki in obeh delov evropske turneje najdete tukaj, datume drugega dela turneje pa na sliki oziroma spodaj:

12.10.2024 NL – Utrecht
13.10.2024 DE – Munich
15.10.2024 DE – Berlin
17.10.2024 SK – Bratislava
18.10.2024 CZ – Zlin
19.10.2024 SI – Ljubljana
20.10.2024 IT – Milan
22.10.2024 ES – Bilbao
23.10.2024 ES – Madrid
25.10.2024 FR – Lyon
26.10.2024 CH – Pratteln
27.10.2024 DE – Oberhausen
29.10.2024 DE – Hamburg
30.10.2024 BE – Antwerpen
01.11.2024 UK – Wolverhamption
02.11.2024 UK – London
03.11.2024 UK – Manchester

13. 2. 2024

AC/DC se maja odpravljajo na evropsko turnejo z imenom Power Up Tour Europe 2024. Nam najbliže se bodo ustavili 25. maja v Reggio Emilia v Italiji ter 23. in 26. junija na dunajskem Ernst Happel Stadionu.

Vse datume turneje lahko vidite na tej strani: AC/DC Power Up Tour Europe 2024.

30. 1. 2024

Kataklysm so objavili video za komad Goliath z aktualnega samonaslovljenega albuma iz lanskega leta.

Drugi mesec, natančneje 15. februarja, pa jih lahko ujamete v živo, kjer bodo skupaj s Fleshgod Apocalypse in Stillbirth nastopili v Kinu Šiška, ki bo tudi začetek evropske turneje Europe Vs Goliath Tour 2024.

19. 1. 2024

Nemški heavy metalci The Night Eternal sporočajo, da je band iz osebnih razlogov zapustil Jones Nühlen.

»Unfortunately we have to inform you that Jones decided to part ways with The Night Eternal due to personal reasons. We‘re still good friends, so there‘s no bad blood and we respect his decision. Being a founding member, Jones was notorious for his catchy bass lines through all of our releases so far and we want to thank him sincerely for the great times we had.
There‘s a last chance to catch The Night Eternal with its original line-up on stage at Endzeit Festival on January 27th, so give Jones the honor and get your tickets!
For THE SATANIC PANIC TOUR starting on February 1st, our good friend Jannik will take over the bass duties.«

4. 1. 2024

Pred kratkim smo poročali, da bodo black metal veljaki Inquisition izdali nov album, zdaj pa je band najavil, da aprila skupaj z Demonical prihajajo v Evropo. Turneja z naslovom Titans Of Darkness Tour 2024 se bo med drugim ustavila tudi pri nas, in sicer 16. aprila v ljubljanskem Orto baru.

20. 12. 2023

Avstrijska black metal zasedba Ellende je za konec naslednjega leta napovedala turnejo z imenom Scherben Tour 2024. Na tej turneji, ki se bo 13. oktobra ustavila v ljubljanskem Orto Baru, jo bodo spremljali Groza in Servant. Vse datume turneje najdete na priloženi sliki.

28. 4. 2024
Nanowar of Steel
Rockhouse, Salzburg, Avstrija
28. 4. 2024
Marduk, Origin, Doodswens
Jugend- und Kulturzentrum Explosiv, Gradec, Avstrija
28. 4. 2024
Bongzilla, Kadabra, Bongorodica
Klub Močvara, Zagreb, Hrvaška
29. 4. 2024
Wizard Master, Chains
Channel Zero, Metelkova, Ljubljana
30. 4. 2024
The Ossuary, Motorowl, Wizard Master, Chains
Jugend- und Kulturzentrum Explosiv, Gradec, Avstrija
2. 5. 2024
Sedem Minut Strachu, Usnu?, Urethra
Jalla Jalla, Metelkova, Ljubljana