17. 4. 2024

Stonerji Horseburner bodo 21. junija izdali četrti dolgometražec Voice Of Storms. Izšel bo pri založbi Blues Funeral Recordings, spodaj pa prisluhnite prvemu singlu The Gift.

8. 3. 2024

Alexey Polyansky se je po desetih letih vrnil k domačim progresivcem Seventh Station. Tako pravi band: »Please give a warm welcome-back shout-out to Alexey for coming back to the band after 10 years of absence. Alexey is a very gifted musician and he will fill up the missing gap in the band in the bass guitar role. Alexey was also the co-founder of Seventh Station and we are so happy to see him come home.«

Avtor fotografije je Valeriy Lapshov.

5. 1. 2024

Kanadski death metal band Fathomless Ritual, za katerim stoji B. Dean (Gutvoid, Fumes, Pukewraith), je podpisal pogodbo z založbo Transcending Obscurity Records, pri kateri bo izdal studijski prvenec Hymns For The Lesser Gods. Izid je napovedan 12. februarja, za pokušino pa band predstavlja komad Gorge of the Nameless. Album obsega naslednje naslove:

Hecatomb for an Unending Madness
Exiled to the Lower Catacombs
Gorge of the Nameless
Grafted to the Chambers of Mirth
Wielding the Bone Wand
Cosmic Reflections from the Basin of Blood
Gelatinous Being of Countless Forms
Gifts for Aranaktu

11. 5. 2023

Pred časom smo že poročali, da so melodični death metalci The Agonist iz Kanade odpovedali nastop na letošnji ediciji festivala MetalDays. Sedaj pa je iz tabora zasedbe tudi odjeknila vest, da je uradno prenehala z delovanjem. Več si lahko preberete v spodnji izjavi:

Dear friends, it's time to make a very difficult but necessary announcement.
We have decided that The Agonist as a band, has come to an end. Much deliberation and care has been put into making this decision, and unfortunately, given the circumstances, this is the conclusion that makes the most sense for the band and us as individuals.
There are many factors that led to this decision. It is a mix of personal, financial and industry related issues, but in the end the 5 of us are no longer able to agree on a way forward that would benefit The Agonist business as a whole, while respecting each member's personal lives and wishes.
We want to express our deepest gratitude to the fans for coming out to the shows, buying our merch, and supporting us over the years. Nothing is more satisfying than connecting with our fellow human beings via the gift of music. It is the number one factor that has always driven us- to make you, the listener, feel something. In the end, we know that we've accomplished this together.
Some members of the band will continue to work on music in various ways, others will focus on personal projects and family. We kindly ask you to respect their privacy on this particular matter and encourage you to follow them on their individual social media accounts to support their future endeavors.
Vicky Psarakis will be carrying on with her band, Sicksense. They have a new EP coming out this summer and she will be playing 2 live shows with them in Montreal, in June.
You can also directly support her by following her on Patreon and Twitch.
Simon McKay is currently looking to join a new band full-time, while offering session work for studio and live gigs. Also, keep an eye out for new music coming soon from his solo project.
Chris Kells will be focusing on his career as a videographer. Since 2015, he has directed all of The Agonist's music videos, as well as many other established bands.
Danny Marino is currently writing music for 2 new projects.
Pascal "Paco" Jobin will be releasing new music with his project Leading the betrayed.
Our US-based merch store with Sound Escape Agency will remain open. We have also put together an EU-based store for our European fans. Inventory is final and there will be no restocks. Proceeds will go directly to the band to help us pay off our remaining debt.
Once again, we thank you and we love you.
»We will survive. At the end of the tunnel there's always a light.« - The Agonist

15. 2. 2023

Simfonični power metalci Avaland sporočajo, da bodo 31. marca izdali drugi celovečerec z naslovom The Legend Of The Storyteller. Album bo izšel pri založbi Rockshots Records in bo zajemal naslednje komade:

The Vision
Crimson Tyranny
To Be The King
Secret Night
The Gift
Out Of The Fog
Madness Of The Wise
You’ll Be The Legend

5. 1. 2023

Legendarni bobnar Dave Lombardo je ustanovil projekt Venamoris, v katerem sodeluje skupaj s svojo ženo Paulo Lombardo. Pretekli mesec je nastal njun prvi single The Gift, debitantski plošček Drown In Emotion pa bo izšel 10. februarja.

Avtorica: Tina Urek
20. 12. 2022

Nemški dark metalci Eisregen so objavili videospot za komad Grenzgänger. Gre za prvi single s prihajajočega istoimenskega celovečerca, ki naj bi izšel 13. januarja pri založbi Massacre Records in bo zajemal naslednje komade:

In Einzelteilen
Fur Den Kaiser
Als Ich Noch Kinder Frass
Die Frau Im Turm
Vom Loch In Der Wand Club
Auf Galgengrund
Stirb Lächelnd 2023
Rigor Mortis

9. 12. 2022

Poljaki Hellproof bodo konec januarja izdali prvenec z naslovom Supernova, ki prinaša naslednje komade:

Flame In You
Sky Wide Open
Burn Alive
Prepare The Way
Bloody Game
The Colors
Perfect Gift

22. 11. 2022

Švedski black/folk metalci Änterbila so razkrili komad Torparens Dotter s samonaslovljenega prihajajočega prvenca. Tracklista:

Vallåt från Gnarp (Herding Call from Gnarp)
Hemlängtan (Homesickness)
Torparens Dotter (The Crofter’s Daughter)
Vita Piskan (The White Whip)
Äntergast (Boarder)
Nattens Gåvolott (The Gift of the Night)

12. 9. 2022

Norveška black metal zasedba Blodhemn za 7. oktober napoveduje svoj četrti album. Ta bo nosil naslov Sverger hemn in bo izšel pri Dark Essence Records. Tracklista:

Fraa Djupet…
Vil Livet av Deg
Bomb Bergen
Farvel Feioey
Opp or Lemmen
Velg Din Gift

30. 8. 2022

Romunski progresivci White Walls so posneli besedilni video za single The Gift.

Band pravi: »Single The Gift je bil ustvarjen posebej za humanitarni projekt MusInk For Humanity, dobrodelno organizacijo, sestavljeno iz tetovatorjev, ki si je domislila izdajo rock/metal kompilacije z izvirnimi pesmimi, ki se tematsko vrtijo okoli tetovaž.«

16. 8. 2022

Švicarski black metal dvojec Ateiggär bo 28. oktobra pri založbi Eisenwald izdal prvenec Tyrannemord, ki prinaša naslednje komade:

De dunkli Ort
En stille Feind
Iserni Plag
Us Lyschegiftig Schlaf verwached
Die Nacht droht fschter mir
Chron' und Tod
Din Lyb ziert de Altar

11. 4. 2022

Švicarski atmosferični black metal trojec Aara razkriva pesem Strepitus Mundi, ki je del njegovega prihajajočega četrtega albuma z naslovom Triade II: Hemera. Tracklista:

Adonaia's Elegien
Sonne der Nacht
Das Dunkel der Welt
Strepitus Mundi

9. 2. 2022

Japonski thrasherji Shady Glimpse predstavljajo besedilni video za pesem S.S.D. (System Shakedown) s svojega lanskega albuma Supreme Gift.

21. 1. 2022

Grško-švedski melodični death metalci Nightrage bodo 18. februarja izdali album z naslovom Abyss Rising, ki prinaša naslednje komade:

Abyss Rising
Swallow Me
Nauseating Oblivion
Dance of Cerberus
Falsifying Life
Portal of Dismay (Interlude)
Shadows Embrace Me
9th Circle of Hell
The Divergent
Cursed by the Gift of Sight
False Gods
Pest Ridden Tide
Silence of the Darkened Soul

Band je že objavil video za skladbo Falsifying Life, ki si ga lahko ogledate spodaj.

25. 6. 2024
Tolminator Warmup: Vader, Biocancer, Warside
TrainStation SubArt, Kranj
26. 6. 2024
Ernst-Happel-Stadion, Dunaj, Avstrija
27. 6. 2024
Basinfirefest 2024
Spálené Poříčí, Češka Republika
28. 6. 2024
ODPOVEDANO!Cahn Fest 2024
Kipe v Trbovljah
29. 6. 2024
Sportarena, Budimpešta, Madžarska
29. 6. 2024
Black Ritual Graz 2024: Arkona, Irdorath, Blessmon, Karner, Synkende, Draugr
Explosiv, Gradec, Avstrija