10. 6. 2024

Finski simfoničarji Autumn's Grief so z besedilnim videospotom za Dead Among the Living napovedali tretji album. Tudi ta bo nosil naslov Dead Among the Living, izšel pa bo 25. oktobra pri Inverse Records. Tracklista:

The Absolution
Dead Among the Living
Perfectly Flawed
Pushing up the Daisies
The Inquisition
Aberration of Light
The Skyclad Spell
A Light in a Void
The Failure

6. 6. 2024

Doom metalci Crypt Sermon so objavili nov single Thunder (Perfect Mind). Tega boste našli na bandovem prihajajočem albumu The Stygian Rose, ki izide 14. junija. Tracklista:

Glimmers in the Underworld
Thunder (Perfect Mind)
Down in the Hollow
Heavy is the Crown of Bone
Scrying Orb
The Stygian Rose

24. 4. 2024

Iz tabora hrvaških doom metalcev Old Night sporočajo, da jih je zapustil vokalist in kitarist Matej Hanžek. Vrzel v zasedbi bo na vokalu tako zapolnil njegov brat Ivan, na kitari pa se je zasedbi pridružil Rafael Cvitković (Nekroza). Spodaj lahko preberete celotno izjavo banda:

»This is a post I write with a heavy heart, yet full of hope and with a bright look on the future. After eight years with us as our lead singer and frontman, earlier this year Matej decided to step down from his duties within Old Night. I know you are hoping for some gossip or a sassy story, but there was no drama involved. He just wants to focus on other things in life and at this point, music is not a priority for him. Having said that, I wish to thank him on our behalf for everything he has done for us, all the great times we shared on stage and backstage, but also for all the long hours he has put in working on our first three records. It was a privilege and you'll always be a part of our family. Obviously, this news has taken us aback and we had to figure out how best to proceed. We took some time to see what our options were, as this is an important role we needed to fill. After much deliberation we figured out we need not look outside our band for a perfect candidate as we have one in our midst. Ivan has been singing all the backing vocals from day one and from now on he will be handling all the lead vocals. No need to worry, he’ll remain our lead guitarist as well.

The only piece of the puzzle left to figure out was who’ll play the rhythm guitars? Without further ado, we welcome Rafael Cvitković, from the Croatian death metal machine Nekroza, as our new guitarist. If you attended our concerts, you might have already seen him filling in on sound checks or working on our merch booth. Nekroza just released their debut album on InsArt Records – you can check them out and show them your support.

With our line-up complete, we will continue working on our new record and we hope we’ll have some news in that regard soon. In a couple of weeks, we’ll have our first concert with the new line-up and we can’t wait to present you the New Old Night.«

27. 3. 2024

Škotski progresivneži Dvne predstavljajo drugi single Abode of the Perfect Soul s prihajajočega albuma Voidking. Ta izide 19. aprila pri založbi Metal Blade Records.

21. 3. 2024

Psihedelični temačneži Lares bodo 12. aprila pri Argonauta Records izdali drugi celovečerec z naslovom Et In Arcadia Ego. Kaj pravi zasedba o prihajajoči izdaji, pa lahko preberete spodaj:

»The album is an accidental concept born from the first session we managed to play together after a long and frustrating break necessitated by lockdowns, band members in high risk categories, and mental illness. Without looking for it we found death, isolation, boredom, uncertainty, rage, and an energy that we decided instantly to try to capture and preserve as it was. No additives, no major editing. In the uncertainty of the times, we began to collect recording equipment, slowly transforming our rehearsal space into a recording studio. We developed a ritual of playing and replaying, without click, the whole 27 minutes, until we got better than close to the original, to the perfect simulacra. There is a bonus track included in the album called '10 Hygiea' that is part of the soundtrack of 'Music Appreciation', a short horror movie we collaborated with.«

22. 2. 2024

Ameriški death metalci Morta Skuld so objavili glasbeni spot za skladbo Perfect Prey s sedmega albuma Creation Undone, ki bo jutri izšel pri Peaceville Records.

7. 2. 2024

Ljubljanski blackened death/thrash metalci Sovrag so objavili že peti live video z lanskega nastopa v KCK Kočevje. Tokrat gre za komad Shadows z aktualnega prvenca Perfect Form From Chaos Born.

5. 1. 2024

Progresivni death metal duet Iapetus sporoča, da je podpisal pogodbo z založbo Willowtip Records. Band je trenutno v fazi priprave materiala za tretji album, spodaj pa lahko preberete izjavo banda ob začetku sodelovanja z novo založbo:

»We are honored, humbled, and thrilled to announce our partnership with Willowtip Records - to join their incomparable roster, both past and present, and to stand alongside so many incredible bands that we have long admired both as fans and peers.Willowtip is and has always been dedicated to pushing the boundaries of metal - to championing the off-beat and the unfamiliar - and so we feel resolutely at home beneath their legendary, ever-innovative banner. This partnership is, for us - and in so many ways - a perfect fit. We could not be more excited for the endeavors ahead.

Writing for our next album has been ongoing for years, and is still well underway - while it's still too far-off for specific details, we can promise that it will be our darkest record yet - an 80+ minute conceptual rumination on hopelessness, mortality, and meaning in an uncaring cosmos. More news will become available as the album progresses.

And, as always, our unending gratitude for the continual support of our fans across the globe - if you haven't already, check out some of our new, outstanding labelmates - An Abstract Illusion, Countless Skies, Hath, Slugdge, The Anchoret, and more!

Cheers, and Happy New Year!«

15. 12. 2023

Ameriški death metalci Morta Skuld v novem besedilnem videu predstavljajo komad We Rise We Fall s svojega sedmega albuma Creation Undone, ki bo izšel 23. februarja pri Peaceville Records. Album obsega naslednje naslove:

We Rise We Fall
The End of Reason
Painful Conflict
Unforeseen Obstacles
Perfect Prey
Soul Piercing Sorrow
Into Temptation
Self Destructive Emotions
By Design

12. 12. 2023

Ljubljanski blackened death/thrash metalci Sovrag so objavili še tretji live video, tokrat za komad Tribute To Death z aktualnega prvenca z naslovom Perfect Form From Chaos Born.

4. 12. 2023

Ljubljanski blackened death/thrash metalci Sovrag so objavili live video za komad Into The Fire s svojega aktualnega prvenca z naslovom Perfect Form From Chaos Born. Gre za drugi posnetek, ki je nastal marca letos v KCK Kočevje, kjer je band premierno predstavlil svoj prvenec.

* Avtorica fotografije je Saša Krajnc.

16. 11. 2023

Nedavno smo poročali, da bodo Dimmu Borgir, velikani simfoničnega black metala, 8. decembra izdali album Inspiratio Profanus, na katerem se bodo znašle le priredbe. Pred izidom tega Norvežani zdaj predstavljajo priredbo komada Perfect Strangers od Deep Purple.

3. 11. 2023

Ljubljanski blackened death/thrash metalci Sovrag so objavili live video za pesem Septic Tank s svojega aktualnega prvenca z naslovom Perfect Form From Chaos Born. Gre za posnetek, ki je nastal marca letos v KCK Kočevje, kjer je band premierno predstavljal dotični plošček.

Band obljublja, da bo v prihodnje objavil še več takih posnetkov. Če pa bi ga želeli ponovno ujeti v živo, imate naslednjo možnost za to 16. decembra v Kopru, kjer bodo nastopili na dogodku V Pk'lu 2023 skupaj z Livergga, Sameprium in Damnation.

25. 10. 2023

Velikani simfoničnega black metala Dimmu Borgir sporočajo, da bodo 8. decembra pri založbi Nuclear Blast izdali album Inspiratio Profanus. Tokrat ne bo šlo za novo glasbo iz hiše Dimmu Borgir, temveč gre album priredb, ki jih je zasedba v vseh letih delovanja tako ali drugače posnela. Prednaročila za Inspiratio Profanus so že na voljo, že sedaj pa lahko prisluhnete prvemu komadu z albuma, in sicer znameniti klasiki od Venom. Seznam vseh komadov na ploščku je takšen

Black Metal (Venom)
Satan My Master (Bathory)
Dead Men Don't Rape (G.G.F.H.)
Nocturnal Fear (Celtic Frost)
Burn In Hell (Twisted Sister)
Perfect Strangers (Deep Purple)
Metal Heart (Accept)
Nocturnal Fear (Celtically Processed) (Celtic Frost)

9. 10. 2023

Slovenska blackened death/thrash metal zasedba Sovrag je marca letos izdala svoj debitantski album z naslovom Perfect Form from Chaos Born, ki je v ospredju naše današnje nagradne igre.

Če želiš brezplačno prejeti CD, se udeleži aktualne nagradne igre.

17. 6. 2024
Igorrr / Sanguisugabogg
14. 6. 2024
Smrt - Barcelona at 9
13. 6. 2024
Cvinger / Marax
13. 6. 2024
Matti Riekki - North From Here – The Sentenced Story (knjiga)
12. 6. 2024
Tool / Night Verses
11. 6. 2024
Pomaranča / Metalsteel
11. 6. 2024
Cvinger / Marax
10. 6. 2024
Corey Taylor – Europe 2024
21. 6. 2024
Tolminator Warmup Show: Brujeria, Smedja in Smetke
Menza pri Koritu, Ljubljana
21. 6. 2024
Heretic Feast 2024
Boogaloo, Zagreb, Hrvaška
21. 6. 2024
Phantasmagoria ('88 - '90 Set + Best Of)
DVA OSAM, Zagreb, Hrvaška
23. 6. 2024
Ernst-Happel-Stadion, Dunaj, Avstrija
25. 6. 2024
Tolminator Warmup: Vader, Biocancer, Warside
TrainStation SubArt, Kranj
26. 6. 2024
Ernst-Happel-Stadion, Dunaj, Avstrija