7. 6. 2023

Domača hard rock/metal zasedba Xskull8 je v začetku meseca predstavila single When The New Day Comes.

Avtorica: Tina Urek
1. 6. 2023

Organizatorji festivala Metaldays sporočajo, da je po pogovorih z zasedbo in njihovim managerjem žal prišlo do odločitve, da Vital Remains ne bodo nastopili na letošnjem festivalu v Velenju. Zgolj nekaj minut pred dotično najavo so organizatorji objavili, da se obsežnemu številu nastopajočih pridružujejo kultni death metalci Cancer.

Avtorica: Tina Urek
29. 5. 2023

Andrej Kralj oziroma alternativni post/prog rock projekt A Day in Venice je razkril podrobnosti prihajajočega albuma z naslovom IV. Ta bo izšel 6. junija v samozaložbi v digitalnem formatu in bo obsegal enajst pesmi:

Reins of Freedom
You Will Meet Your Love
Flames of Gold
Ophidian Queen
Counting Steps
Your Thoughts Buried in Darkness
Children of the Night
Drops of Winter
No One Can Stop You

29. 5. 2023

Znan je končni razpored nastopajočih po posameznih dnevih in odrih na festivalu MetalDays 2023. Razpored lahko preverite na priloženi sliki ali na uradni spletni strani organizatorja.

24. 5. 2023

Ameriški death metalci Gatecreeper sporočajo, da so začeli pripravljati material za svoj tretji dolgometražec, ki bo nasledil album Deserted iz leta 2019.

Zasedbo boste lahko v živo videli tudi pri nas, in sicer na festivalu MetalDays.

22. 5. 2023

Italijanski simfonični metalci Reasons Behind so v obliki videospota razkrili single The Flame Inside, ki je del prihajajočega albuma Architecture of an Ego. Ta bo izšel 26. maja pri Scarlet Records. Tracklista:

Zero Dawn
The Fall of Human Race
A New Breed
Into the Break of a Better Day
Heart Begins to Break
The Phantom Pain
Seas of Grey
I3 (feat. Steva/Deathless Legacy & Grace Darkling/Nocturna)
The Flame Inside
Letter to the Last of Us

19. 5. 2023

Kanadčani Archspire ponovno prihajajo v Evropo. Svojo avgustovsko turnejo bodo začeli na festivalu MetalDays, kjer bodo nastopili v četrtek, 3. avgusta. Vse ostale datume turneje najdete na priloženi sliki.

17. 5. 2023

Corey Taylor je napovedal izid svojega drugega solo albuma, enostavno naslovljenega CMF2. Ta bo izšel 15. septembra pri BMG/Decibel Cooper Recordings. Poleg naslovov komadov je Taylor predstavil tudi prvi nov single Beyond.

The Box
Post Traumatic Blues
Talk Sick
Breath Of Fresh Smoke
We Are The Rest
Sorry Me
Someday I'll Change Your Mind
All I Want Is Hate
Dead Flies

Avtorica: Tina Urek
17. 5. 2023

Kanadčani Arrival Of Autumn v obliki videospota predstavljajo single One More Day s prihajajočega albuma Kingdom Undone. Album izide 26. maja pri založbi Nuclear Blast Records.

11. 5. 2023

Pred časom smo že poročali, da so melodični death metalci The Agonist iz Kanade odpovedali nastop na letošnji ediciji festivala MetalDays. Sedaj pa je iz tabora zasedbe tudi odjeknila vest, da je uradno prenehala z delovanjem. Več si lahko preberete v spodnji izjavi:

Dear friends, it's time to make a very difficult but necessary announcement.
We have decided that The Agonist as a band, has come to an end. Much deliberation and care has been put into making this decision, and unfortunately, given the circumstances, this is the conclusion that makes the most sense for the band and us as individuals.
There are many factors that led to this decision. It is a mix of personal, financial and industry related issues, but in the end the 5 of us are no longer able to agree on a way forward that would benefit The Agonist business as a whole, while respecting each member's personal lives and wishes.
We want to express our deepest gratitude to the fans for coming out to the shows, buying our merch, and supporting us over the years. Nothing is more satisfying than connecting with our fellow human beings via the gift of music. It is the number one factor that has always driven us- to make you, the listener, feel something. In the end, we know that we've accomplished this together.
Some members of the band will continue to work on music in various ways, others will focus on personal projects and family. We kindly ask you to respect their privacy on this particular matter and encourage you to follow them on their individual social media accounts to support their future endeavors.
Vicky Psarakis will be carrying on with her band, Sicksense. They have a new EP coming out this summer and she will be playing 2 live shows with them in Montreal, in June.
You can also directly support her by following her on Patreon and Twitch.
Simon McKay is currently looking to join a new band full-time, while offering session work for studio and live gigs. Also, keep an eye out for new music coming soon from his solo project.
Chris Kells will be focusing on his career as a videographer. Since 2015, he has directed all of The Agonist's music videos, as well as many other established bands.
Danny Marino is currently writing music for 2 new projects.
Pascal "Paco" Jobin will be releasing new music with his project Leading the betrayed.
Our US-based merch store with Sound Escape Agency will remain open. We have also put together an EU-based store for our European fans. Inventory is final and there will be no restocks. Proceeds will go directly to the band to help us pay off our remaining debt.
Once again, we thank you and we love you.
»We will survive. At the end of the tunnel there's always a light.« - The Agonist

5. 5. 2023

Avstralci Voyager s pesmijo Prince Of Fire napovedujejo Fearless in Love, že osmi dolgometražec v 20 letih delovanja. Seznam pesmi je takšen:

The Best Intentions
Prince of Fire
The Lamenting
Gren (Fearless in Love)

5. 5. 2023

Carcass, Venom Inc., ki bodo zaigrali kultni album Black Metal, Elaine, Keops in Dear Mother so nove potrjene zasedbe za MetalDays 2023.

28. 4. 2023

Poročali smo že, da bodo španski black/death metalci Noctem poleti nastopili na festivalu MetalDays. Nedavno pa je band objavil seznam vseh festivalov, na katerih bo promoviral svoj najnovejši album Credo certe ne cras. Prvi nastop se bo zgodil danes, celoten seznam pa je takšen:

28/04/23 - Black Hole Fest, Aarburg, CH
29/04/23 - La Berguedana De Thrash, Berga, ES
05/05/23 - ARM Festival, Aalborg, DK
20/05/23 - Undersound Fest, Soria, ES
09/06/23 - Z! Live Rock Fest, Zamora, ES
17/06/23 - Graspop Metal Meeting, Dessel, BE
21/07/23 - Kanekas Metal Fest, Cangas Do Morrazo, ES
31/07/23 - Metaldays, Velenje, SLO
11/08/23 - Leyendas del Rock, Villena, ES
18/08/23 - Summer Breeze, Dinkelsbuhl, DE
01/09/23 - Siekiera Metal Fest, Wroclaw, PL

28. 4. 2023

Organizatorji festivala MetalDays 2023 so najavili 12 neuveljavljenih zasedb oziroma »New Forces Bands«. To so: Corpus, Entoria, Fatal Error, Maskeratt, Offscore, Peace is Just a Break, Pennhurts, Schrodinger, Taste of Plague, Tol Morwen, Versatile in Zenoth.

Naslednji paket bandov naj bi bil najavljen že naslednji teden, medtem ko organizator poleg tega sporoča, da sta svoj nastop odpovedala zasedbi The Agonist iz Kanade in Here Comes The Kraken iz Mehike. Odpovedi obeh zasedb sta povezani z odpovedjo njune celotne evropske turneje.

24. 4. 2023

Po lanskem obisku Evrope in praznovanju albuma Blessed are the Sick se I Am Morbid vračajo na evropske odre, da proslavijo 30. obletnico albuma Covenant. Otvoritiveni nastop turneje se bo zgodil na slovenskih tleh, in sicer 1. avgusta v Velenju v okviru festivala MetalDays, nakar bo šla karavana dalje in se natanko en teden kasneje ustavila pri naših južnih sosedih. Tam bodo nastopili 8. avgusta v Močvari.

Vse datume turneje, na kateri bodo Američane spremljali italijanski Embryo, lahko preverite na priloženi sliki.

21. 6. 2024
Tolminator Warmup Show: Brujeria, Smedja in Smetke
Menza pri Koritu, Ljubljana
21. 6. 2024
Heretic Feast 2024
Boogaloo, Zagreb, Hrvaška
21. 6. 2024
Phantasmagoria ('88 - '90 Set + Best Of)
DVA OSAM, Zagreb, Hrvaška
23. 6. 2024
Ernst-Happel-Stadion, Dunaj, Avstrija
25. 6. 2024
Tolminator Warmup: Vader, Biocancer, Warside
TrainStation SubArt, Kranj
26. 6. 2024
Ernst-Happel-Stadion, Dunaj, Avstrija