7. 8. 2009
Decadence bodo oktobra izdali nov album. /P.G./
12. 12. 2008
Kitarist Simon Galle je zapustil skupino Decadence. /P.G./
22. 5. 2008
Švedi Decadence so podpisali z založbo Massacre Records. Prvi izid bo ponovna izdaja albuma 3rd Stage Of Decay, ki je izšel pred dvema letoma, band pa bo konec meseca začel snemanje novega albuma. /P.G./
17. 10. 2007
Pri Ameriški založbi Decadence Through Ruination je danes izšel prvenec skupine Somrak z naslovom The Abhorred Blessings. Album bo v roku tedna ali dveh na voljo tudi pri bandu, do takrat pa si lahko nekaj komadov poslušate na njihovi MySpace strani. Skupina planira tudi nekaj promocijskih koncertov. Za več informacij o albumu in koncertih spremljajte njihovo spletno stran. /P.G./
25. 5. 2007
Norveški black metalci Sjodogg bodo jeseni pri Osmose Productions izdali prvenec Landscapes of Disease and Decadence. /M.P./
15. 9. 2006
Trail Of Tears so objavili track listo svojega petega albuma Existentia, ki izide novembra pri Napalm Records: Deceptive Mirrors, My Comfort, Venom Inside My Veins, Decadence Becomes Me, She Weaves Shadows, The Closing Walls, Empty Room, Poisonous Tongues, As It Penetrates, Shades Of Yesterday. /M.P./
22. 2. 2005
3. junija bo izšel tribute to Rage CD Back In Time - A Tribute To Rage, na katerem sodelujejo samo avstrijski bandi. Track lista albuma je naslednja: ASPHYXIA - All I Want, CEEJAY & SEQUOIA DENDRON - Turn the Page, DRUNKEN ANGELS – Incomplete, ELEFTHERIA - Riders on the Moonlight, EVENTIDE - The Crawling Chaos, EYE OF BETRAYER - Fading Hours/Take Me to the Water Medley, EYETOLEGY - Raw Caress, FATE – Soundchaser, FIRESTORM - Solitary Man, LORDS OF DECADENCE - Paint the Devil on the Wall, LOST DREAMS - Defenders of the Ancient Life, MADOG - The Crawling Chaos, MIDGARD - From The Cradle to the Grave, MIDGARD UPGRADED - The Missing Link, NEBUCHADNEZZAR – Down, SCARECROW - Don't Fear the Winter, SAVIOUR - Take Me to the Water, SCREAM - The Mirror In Your Eyes, SEQUOIA DENDRON - War of Worlds, SERENITY - Set the World on Fire, SINDUSTRY - The Price of War, SOLE - No Lies, STERNENSTAUB - From the Cradle to the Grave, STYGMA IV - Back In Time (acoustic), SUGAR FOR LUCY - My Rage, SUICIDE - Baby I'm Your Nightmare, VALSANS - Sent by the Devil, VIVIAN - Back in Time.
9. 11. 2004
Nihilistic Contentment je peti album danskih death metalcev Exmortem, ki bo izšel sredi januarja 2005. Track lista je naslednja: Flesh Havoc, Bitter Disciplin, The Human Rape Symphony, Black Walls of Misery, Division of Genocide Pleasure, Swamp of Decadence, Symbols of Inhumanity, Fix of Negativity, Graveside Mourning Ritual, Parasite Paradise. /A.J./
Avtorica: Ajda Jelenc
23. 7. 2004
Potrjen je zadnji band, ki bo nastopil na letošnjem festivalu Summer Breeze. To je band Lords Of Decadence, ki je zmagal na natečaju v Metal Hammerju. /P.G./
26. 3. 2004
Ta teden so izšli naslednji albumi: NOCTURNAL RITES: New World Messiah, TANKARD: Beast Of Bourbon, KATAKLYSM: Serenity In Fire, EYES OF FIRE: Ashes To Embers, ENFORSAKEN: The Forever Endeavor, NASTY SAVAGE: Psycho Psycho, TORCHBEARER: Yersinia Pestis, MAGIC KINGDOM: Metallic Tragedy, CENTINEX: Decadence - Prophecies Of Cosmic Chaos, HEADPLATE: Pieces, WOLFEN: Humanity Sold Out in singla KOTIPELTO: Reasons, EPICA: Feint.
4. 11. 2003
Track lista novega Centinex albuma Decadence - Prophecies Of Cosmic Chaos, ki izide marca 2004, je naslednja: Arrival Of The Spectrum Obscure, Misanthropic Darkzone, Hollowsphere, Target: Dimension XII, Deathstar Unmasked, A Dynasty Of Obediance, Mechanical Future, Cold Deep Supremacy, New World Odyssey. /M.P./
7. 5. 2003
Švedi Centinex bodo junija in julija snemali svoj novi album Decadence Prophecies Of Cosmic Chaos, ki naj bi išel oktobra. /A.J./
Avtorica: Ajda Jelenc
19. 3. 2003
Decadence Prophecies Of Cosmic Chaos je naslov novega albuma Švedov Centinex. Snemali bodo med 23. junijem in 20. julijem v Black Lounge studiu, izid pa je napovedan za oktober. /M.P./
7. 3. 2002
Naslednji teden bodo svoj drugi album z naslovom Chapters From A Vale Forlorn izdali odkritje lanskega leta, švedski heavy metalci Falconer. Track lista je naslednja: Decadence Of Dignity, Enter The Glade, Lament Of A Minstrel, For Life And Liberty, We Sold Our Homesteads, The Clarion Call, Portals Of Light, Stand In Veneration in Busted To The Floor. /M.P./
6. 12. 2000
Ta teden so izšle naslednje plošče: IMPALED NAZARENE: Decade Of Decadence, ICE AGES: The Killing Emptiness, JUDAS ISCARIOT: Dethroned, Conquered And Forgotten, GROINCHURN: Whoami, DESTROYER 666: Phoenix Rising in AMULET: The Burning Sphere.
25. 6. 2024
Tolminator Warmup: Vader, Biocancer, Warside
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Spálené Poříčí, Češka Republika
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Sportarena, Budimpešta, Madžarska
29. 6. 2024
Black Ritual Graz 2024: Arkona, Irdorath, Blessmon, Karner, Synkende, Draugr
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