20. 6. 2024

Orange Goblin predstavljajo videospot za skladbo The Fire at the Centre of the Earth Is Mine s prihajajočega albuma Science, Not Fiction, ki izide 19. julija pri Peaceville Records. Znani so tudi že naslovi skladb:

The Fire at the Centre of the Earth Is Mine
(Not) Rocket Science
Ascend the Negative
False Hope Diet
Cemetery Rats
The Fury of a Patient Man
Gemini (Twins of Evil)
The Justice Knife
End of Transmission

14. 6. 2024

The Black Dahlia Murder so objavili videospot za komad Aftermath, s katerim napovedujejo izid desetega albuma Servitude. Pričakujemo ga lahko 27. septembra, izdala pa ga bo založba Metal Blade. Tracklista:

Evening Ephemeral
Panic Hysteric
Cursed Creator
An Intermission
Asserting Dominion
Mammoth's Hand
Transcosmic Blueprint
Utopia Black

13. 6. 2024

Mariborski Kulturni center Pekarna ta teden obeležuje 30 let delovanja z ogromno brezplačnimi dogodki, delavnicami, razstavami in projekcijami. Celoten program lahko preverite tukaj, omeniti pa velja koncerte na velikem odru:

– danes se ob 19.00 začne koncert skupin Blutwurst, Plesni, Sekou Dembele & Family Band in Moving as a Giant,

– jutri bodo nastopili Bojan Sedmak, Missing Rainbow, Shanti Nilaya, Jimmy Barka Experience in Klotljudi,

– v soboto pa Nea Boi Nula, Pirhalter, Stari pes, V okovih in Niet.

Dizajn: Vita Kolar.

6. 5. 2024

Znan je razpored nastopajočih po dnevih za letošnjo edicijo avstrijskega Area 53 Festivala. Ta zgleda tako:

četrtek, 11. julij:
AMORPHIS, Katatonia, Orden Ogan, Infected Rain, Grailknights, Mission In Black, Vertilizar, Psych, Shimmer.

petek, 12. julij:
AVANTASIA, KK's Priest, Decapitated, Angelus Apatrida, Nachtblut, Robse, Skull Crusher, Sonic Riot, Dystersol.

sobota, 13. julij:
BEHEMOTH, Alestorm, 1349, Blaze Bayley (30 let Iron Maiden), Nakkeknaeker, Vinegar Hill, Silenzer, Watch Them Fail, Dearish, Frühschoppen (z Jazz Gitti).

18. 4. 2024

Floridski tehnični death metal veterani Nocturnus AD predstavljajo pesem Yesod, The Dark Side of the Moon s prihajajočega albuma Unicursal, ki ga bodo 17. maja izdali pri založbi Profound Lore Records. Tracklista:

The Ascension Throne of Osiris
Organism 46B
Mission Malkuth
Yesod, the Darkside of the Moon
Hod, the Stellar Light
Netzach, the Fire of Victory

5. 4. 2024

Progresivci Wheel z drugim singlom Porcelain napovedujejo izid tretjega albuma Charismatic Leaders. Tracklista:

Caught in the Afterglow
The Freeze

8. 3. 2024

Alexey Polyansky se je po desetih letih vrnil k domačim progresivcem Seventh Station. Tako pravi band: »Please give a warm welcome-back shout-out to Alexey for coming back to the band after 10 years of absence. Alexey is a very gifted musician and he will fill up the missing gap in the band in the bass guitar role. Alexey was also the co-founder of Seventh Station and we are so happy to see him come home.«

Avtor fotografije je Valeriy Lapshov.

23. 2. 2024

Nizozemski veterani death metala Pestilence bodo 26. aprila pri založbi Agonia Records izdali album Levels of Perception. A to pot album ne bo vseboval novih skladb iz hiše Pestilence, temveč nabor dvanajstih izbranih komadov 38 let trajajoče kariere, ki jih je band tudi na novo posnel. Pred izidom se bo band odpravil tudi na tritedensko turnejo po Evropi. Seznam izbranih komadov je sledeč:

Horror Detox
Mvlti Dimensional
Mobvs Propagationem
Dominatvi Svbmissa
Land of Tears
Twisted Truth
Ovt of the Body


23. 2. 2024

Legendarni ameriški death metalci Necrophagia, ki se jim je pridružil John McEntee (Incantation), so podpisali za Time To Kill Records, kjer naj bi končno izšel bandov poslednji album z naslovom Moribundis Grim. Album je nastal in bil deloma posnet med letoma 2016 in 2018, sicer pa so pri njegovem nastanku sodelovali:

Killjoy Desade (glavni vokal)
Serge Streltsov (kitara, bas)
Shawn Slusarek (bobni)
Jake Arnette (bas)

Titta Tani (bobni, back vokal)
Mirai Kawashima (klaviature)
John McEntee (guest vokal)
Dee Commisso (klaviature)

16. 2. 2024

Area 53 Festival je znova bogatejši z novimi potrditvami. Že potrjenim zasedbam so se tako pridružili:

Infected Rain
Mission In Black

Več informacij o samem festivalu najdete v našem Napovedniku.

29. 1. 2024

Ameriški sleaze rockerji Kickin Valentina so posneli videospot za pesem Takin’ a Ride s prihajajočega albuma Star Spangled Fist Fight, ki bo izšel 19. aprila pri Mighty Music. Tracklista:

Gettin’ Off
Dirty Rhythm
Fire Back
Man on a Mission
Turn Me Loose
Died Laughing
Takin’ a Ride
Ride or Die
Star Spangled Fist Fight

17. 1. 2024

Nemška zasedba Paradox se vrača z napovedjo novega albuma Mysterium. Album naj bi izšel še letos pri založbi AFM Records, točen datum izida pa še ni znan. Spodaj pa si lahko preberete izjavo Charlyja Steinhauerja:

»Friends and fans,
I had a dream. I wanted to start together with AXEL BLAHA, with whom I founded PARADOX in 1981, and end together again at some point. Unfortunately, that is no longer possible because he has said goodbye to this world.
In all these years, AXEL was the only musician who worked with me the way you have to, to achieve a goal. We never danced around at multiple weddings and were always loyal to one band. PARADOX! This was the only way the two classics “PRODUCT OF IMAGINATION” and “HERESY” were possible.
I miss him very much and it is very difficult for me to move on without him, but anyone who knows me knows that giving up is not an option for me.
Not even after 43 years and that's why I can tell you, that I have composed a new PARADOX album, which will hopefully be released worldwide this year via AFM RECORDS. The album will be called “MYSTERIUM” and will contain all the trademarks a Paradox fan wants.
The special thing about “MYSTERIUM” is that I composed all the songs and played all the instruments myself, because I will never again work with project-hungry musician whores who play a few notes on an album but otherwise have nothing to do with PARADOX, or none maintain contact with his colleagues. Unfortunately, this runs like a common thread through the entire career and is the main reason why PARADOX was never able to really get off the ground. To do this you need musicians who work together and pursue a common goal.
It should also be a warning to all young musicians and new bands who want to achieve something with their band. You can find out more about this in the numerous interviews for the new album. You should definitely read this!
I will also be responsible for the mix and the entire production.
The lyrics are written by ACHIM “DAXX” HOEMERLEIN (ex-Vendetta), who also wrote the lyrics for “TALES OF THE WEIRD” and “PANGEA”.
TRAVIS SMITH (Opeth/Nevermore etc) is currently working on the artwork.
“MYSTERIUM” is a very heavy album and contains 10 songs with a playing time of 51 minutes. Dedicated to AXEL BLAHA, my best friend and co-founder of PARADOX!

8. 1. 2024

Ameriški death metalci Petrification bodo 9. februarja pri Svart Records izdali svoj drugi celovečerec, ki so mu nadeli naslov Sever Sacred Light. Ta prinaša osem komadov, od katerih sta znana že dva:

Twisted Visions of Creation
Oneiric Obscurum
Temporal Entrapment
Cadaverous Delirium
Sepulchral Lesions
Seething Cosmological Dread
Transmissions of the Unseen
The Hourglass Dissolves

16. 11. 2023

Ameriški black/death metal band Sulfuric Hatred predstavlja komad Foul Poison Insatiable s samonaslovljenega prvenca, ki bo sredi decembra izšel pri Sentient Ruin Laboratories. Album obsega naslednje naslove:

Merciless Subjugation (Upon Our Knives)
Stacked Remains in the Charnel Pits
World Fucking Collapsing
Foul Poison Insatiable
Forward Our Legions
Transmission I
Sanctioned Execution of Profaned Torture
Sulfuric Hatred
Fall Upon Lesser Armies
Prostrated Human Race
Transmission II

5. 10. 2023

Speed thrash metalci Omission so tukaj objavili svoj nov single Hatred Circles. Gre za komad z njihovega prihajajočega albuma Disciples of Ravens Vengeance, ki bo pri Xtreem Music izšel 24. oktobra.

Avtorica: Tina Urek
21. 6. 2024
Tolminator Warmup Show: Brujeria, Smedja in Smetke
Menza pri Koritu, Ljubljana
21. 6. 2024
Heretic Feast 2024
Boogaloo, Zagreb, Hrvaška
21. 6. 2024
Phantasmagoria ('88 - '90 Set + Best Of)
DVA OSAM, Zagreb, Hrvaška
23. 6. 2024
Ernst-Happel-Stadion, Dunaj, Avstrija
25. 6. 2024
Tolminator Warmup: Vader, Biocancer, Warside
TrainStation SubArt, Kranj
26. 6. 2024
Ernst-Happel-Stadion, Dunaj, Avstrija