7. 10. 2002
Dave Lombardo je v nekem intervjuju izjavil, da bo bobnal na novem Slayer albumu. Pravi, da so sedaj na potezi ostali trije, da začnejo s pisanjem materiala in da se čimprej odpravijo v studio. Lombardo je odigral bobne za kar nekaj albumov, ki izidejo v prihodnje pol leta: Fantomas, solo album, bobnal pa je tudi pri petih pesmih za novi Apocalyptica album, ki je napovedan za konec januarja. /M.P./
1. 10. 2002
Ponovno so se združili avstralski odgovor na Slayer, Hobbs Angel Of Death. Pod vodstvom kitarista/vocalist Petra Hobbsa so začeli pisati material za Inheritance naslednika iz leta 1996. Izid je napovedan za naslednje leto. /M.P./
26. 9. 2002

Žal jesenska koncertna ponudba pri nas ne bo tako pestra, kot je kazalo. Po odpovedi turneje Dismember so tudi Borknagar odpovedali turnejo. Kmalu zatem so svoje odpovedi potrdili tudi drugi bandi, ki bi se morali kmalu ustaviti tudi v Ljubljani.
Izjava Borknagar: "Unfortunately the tour is cancelled! The Swedish bus company raised their prices 63% and we tried getting new busses from about all other bus companies in Europe but it seems like every band on the planet is on tour at the same time. Last week we managed to get two busses from an English company but guess what? They both broke down during the weekend. One of them is now standing somewhere in Portugal...
We're all pissed off about this. Sorry to all the fans and the bands we were supposed to play with, but there was nothing we could do. Aaaaarrrgh!!!!"

Izjava Finntroll: "Guess what, loyal fans of Finntroll... Yup, that's right, you guessed it. The whole damn European Tour has been cancelled. Not only Finntroll had to cancel it but every other band too had to back away. The reason for this major mess was the most stupidiest and unthinkable reason. Both of their tour busses broke down and they cannot get new ones in time. I hope Somnium will tell you more about this matter as soon as he can and explain the whole thing to you and as well as me. Only think I can really say is that they are becoming the most unluckiest band in the world. First Katla and now this. " /P.G./

21. 9. 2002
John Mark Bechtel je novi basist pri bandu Paula Bostapha (ex- Slayer) Systematic, ki 23. septembra začnejo s snemanjem novega albuma. /M.P./

8. 9. 2002
V All-Star thrash metal tribute bandu Black Cloud so se združili Jean-Yves Theriault (ex- Voivod, bass), Pierre Remillard (ex- Oblivion, kitara), Daniel Mongrain (Martyr, kitara), Flo Mounier (Cryptopsy, bobni) in Patrick Mireault (Ghoulnatics, vokal). Band je bil ustvarjen z namenom proslaviti 20. obletnico thrash metal scene v Quebecu (Kanada), igrali pa bodo priredbe Slayer, Venom, Motohread, Metallice, Celtic Frost in Voivod.

18. 7. 2002
Nemci Demon Drive so končali s snemanjem novega albuma z delovnim naslovom …Four Play, ki bo izšel spomladi 2003. Posneli pa so tudi KISS priredbo What Makes The World Go ‘Round, ki bo izšla marca 2003 na tribute albumu s pesmimi iz KISS Unmasked albuma. /M.P./

17. 7. 2002
Bivši Venom kitarist Jim Clare, Tygers Of Pan Tang bobnar Craig Ellis in basist Willie Angus so zdužili moči v novem projektu Passion Play in že snemajo album, ki naj bi izšel še letos. /M.P./

15. 7. 2002
Bivši Napalm Death bobnar Mick Harris namerava začeti z novim bandom v stilu Celtic Frost, Siege, Intense Degree, Slayer in Discharge. /M.P./

10. 7. 2002
Systematic, band bivšega Slayer bobnarja Paul Bostapha, so posneli Blue Öyster Cult priredbo Career Of Evil, ki pa ne bo našla poti na njihov novi, še neimenovani album, ki izide okoli novega leta. /M.P./

30. 5. 2002
Napalm Death so končali s pripravo materiala za nov, še neimenovan album, ki bo izšel septembra/oktobra. Kmalu pa bodo izdali live DVD Punishment In Capitals, na katerem bodo naslednji komadi: Lucid Fairytale, Take the Poison, Next on the List, Constitutional Hell, Suffer the Children, Cleanse Impure, Politicians, Breed to Breathe, Unchallenged Hate, Vermin, The World Keeps Turning, Can't Play Wont Pay, Narcoleptic, Volume of Neglect, Hung, From Enslavement to Obliteration, Scum, Life?, The Kill, Deceiver, You Suffer, Cure for a Common Complaint, Mass Appeal Madness, Greed Killing, Instinct of Survival, Nazi Punks Fuck Off, Back from the Dead, Siege of Power. /M.P./

23. 5. 2002
15. junija bo v klubu The Dynamo festival, na katerem bodo nastopili Skyclad, Doro, Helstar, Sinister, Rompeprop, Dew-Scented in Deströyer 666. V tem klubu se je pričel znameniti Dynamo Festival, v njem pa so prve korake k slavi naredili bandi kot Slayer, Exodus, Laaz Rockit, Trouble, King Diamond, Candlemass, Testament, Metal Church... Žal bo to poslednji metal koncert v tem klubu. Poleti ga namreč rušijo. /M.P./

22. 5. 2002
Ameriški death metalci Nile so končali s snemanjem novega albuma In Their Darkened Shrines, ki izide 2. septembra. Posneli so ga v Soundlab Studios, producirala sta ga Karl Sanders in Bob Moore, na njem pa bodo naslednji komadi: 1. The Blessed Dead, 2. Execration Text, 3. Sarcophagus, 4. Kheftiu Asar Butchiu, 5. Unas Slayer Of The Gods, 6. Churning The Maelstrom, 7. I Whisper In The Ear Of The Dead, 8. Wind Of Horus, 9. In Their Darkened Shrines, I. Hall of Saurian Entombment, II. Invocation to Seditious Heresy, III. Destruction Of The Temple Of The Enemies Of Ra, IV. Ruins. /M.P./

21. 4. 2002
Včeraj so v njegovem stanovanju v Seattlu našli že razpadajoče truplo Layneja Staleya, pevca razpadlih Alice In Chains. Vzrok smrti zaenkrat še ni znan, po vsej verjetnosti pa gre za prevelik odmerek mamil. Alice In Chains so bili eni najvidnejših predstavnikov grungea, bili pa so gotovo najbolj priljubljen band te zvrsti med metalci. /M.P./

19. 4. 2002
Ta teden so izšli naslednji albumi: DREAM EVIL: Dragonslayer United, SETH: Divine - X, OBSCENITY: Cold Blooded Murder ter single MANOWAR: Warriors Of The World United.

14. 4. 2002
Systematic imajo pripravljenih 20 pesmi za nov album, ki ga bodo začeli snemati maja. To je njihov prvi album s Paulom Bostaphom (ex- Slayer), izšel pa bo še letos. /M.P./

18. 5. 2024
Vratolom: Warm Up
Jalla Jalla Akc Metelkova, Ljubljana
18. 5. 2024
Ralu, Relentless Youth
Mladinski center Postojna, Postojna
18. 5. 2024
Undercode, Challenger
TrainStation SubArt, Kranj
19. 5. 2024
Seventh Station
Posavski muzej, Brežice
21. 5. 2024
Wolves in the Throne Room, Gaerea, Mortiferum
Arena, Dunaj
24. 5. 2024
2x Metallica v Münchnu
Olympiastadion, München, Nemčija