8. 3. 2024

Ameriški industrial veterani Ministry so objavili video za komad New Religion z novega albuma Hopiumforthemasses, ki je izšel prejšnji petek pri Nuclear Blast Records.

25. 1. 2024

Ministry predstavljajo besedilni video za skladbo B.D.E z albuma Hopiumforthemasses, izid katerega je napovedan 1. marca pri založbi Nuclear Blast.

7. 11. 2023

Ministry so objavili besedilni video za skladbo Just Stop Oil s prihajajočega albuma Hopiumforthemasses, ki izide 1. marca pri Nuclear Blast in obsega naslednje naslove:

Goddamn White Trash Show lyrics
Just Stop Oil Show lyrics
Aryan Embarrassment
TV Song 1/6 Edition
New Religion
It's Not Pretty
Cult of Suffering
Ricky's Hand

18. 8. 2023

Industrial veterani Ministry sporočajo, da bodo 1. marca naslednje leto izdali nov, že šestnajsti studijski album. Plošček bo nosil zanimiv naslov Hopiumforthemasses, spodaj pa si lahko ogledate video za prvi single s ploščka Goddamn White Trash.

22. 3. 2023

Ukrajinska post/black metal zasedba White Ward je bila zaradi situacije v Ukrajini žal primorana odpovedati vse načrtovane nastope in turneje. Spodaj lahko preberete izjavo banda:

»Dear friends,

With a heavy heart, we need to inform you that our April tour is canceled. Last 2 weeks we fought for the fate of the tour. We tried all the possible ways, but the system proved to be stronger.

So, let's make it clear about what happened and about the reasons for the cancellation.

Right now “wartime” restrictions are applied in Ukraine, and they include limitations for men in ages 18-60 to cross the border, because it is a range when men are available for military service. So, there is a need to get special permission from state authorities to travel out of Ukraine. During the year 2022 the Ministry Of Culture helped Ukrainian musicians and different artists and assisted in acquiring such permits (for a limited time) and that is why we, and many other bands, were able to play in Europe last year.

But a working algorithm that allows to control the “way back” was not created and responsibilities related to the violations of the permission terms - were nowhere written. And that is why some impudent people just used this opportunity to run out of Ukraine and decided not to come back. Very few cases are known, but after the last one, which raised a lot of noise and dissatisfaction in the media, the Ministry Of Culture decided to implement immediate changes and new rules, even for artists who have already sent a request for permit weeks before an accident - we have sent such request on February, 20th. That is the reason why many Ukrainian bands like Schizogen, Bezlad, The Hypnotunez, Kazka, and many more have already canceled or almost canceled their tours. Some bands were affected when they were already at the border and shows should take place the next day, but due to new rules, they were not allowed to leave Ukraine!

The new rules suppose some additional documents to a request. In our case, every member of the band has his own difficulties in acquiring that, even with an immediate start - there is no guarantee that the process will be successful and accomplished in time. Also, that is anyway not a guarantee that the request will be approved - our colleagues` request was refused even with all the requested documents. So, we just can't get this permission and it is over.

We have tried everything, and the media noise was our last hope. But it hasn’t worked, unfortunately. Months of work, preparations, money - all this is now in vain.
We sincerely apologize to our fans, promoters, and everyone who helped us with this tour. We hope that one day we will make this tour real, and you will wait for us. We will still try to figure something out before Hellfest and August festivals, but no new tour announcements till the end of the war will be made.

But, the one and only responsible for this is russia. They broke everything by invading our country, killing our children, bombing our cities, destroying our culture, and applying all fascist methods to destroy us and we will never forget what they DID and are still DOING!«

14. 9. 2022

Kot kaže, se tudi Ministry jeseni ne bodo mudili po Evropi. Sporočajo namreč, da so v celoti odpovedali evropsko turnejo, na kateri bi se skupaj s The 69 Eyes in 3TEETH ustavili tudi pri nas, in sicer 19. novembra v Kinu Šiška.

20. 5. 2022

V bandu Hail The Horns so združili moči Marc Rizzo (kitara; Ill Niño, ex-Soulfly, ex-Cavalera Conspiracy), Tony Campos (bas kitara, vokal; ex-Soulfly, ex-Ministry, Fear Factory ...), in Opus (bobni; Dead by Wednesday) in objavili samonaslovljeni komad.

15. 4. 2022

The 69 Eyes so objavili video za skladbo Drive, prvi single z zaenkrat še nenaslovljenega albuma, ki bo predvidoma izšel prihodnje leto. Kako band zveni v živo, lahko preverite 19. novembra v Ljubljani.

1. 4. 2022

Kot smo že pisali, se bo 19. novembra v Kinu Šiška ustavila karavana z Ministry na čelu. Zaradi šuma v komunikaciji je prišlo do menjave predskupine, zato se poleg finskih predstavikov gothic rocka The 69 Eyes turneji pridružujejo ameriški velikani horror punka Wednesday13. Takoj ko bodo popravljeni dizajni kart, se bo začela tudi predprodaja vstopnic, cena teh je 35 €.

Avtorica: Tina Urek
24. 3. 2022

Ministry se jeseni odpravljajo na evropsko turnejo pod imenom Moral Hygiene. Na turneji se jim bodo pridružili finski temačneži gothic rocka The 69 Eyes ter ameriški industrialci 3TEETH, na veselje mnogih pa se bo turneja 19. novembra ustavila v Kinu Šiška. Karte bo možno kupiti v predprodaji že jutri, več o dogodku pa najdete na tej povezavi.

Avtorica: Tina Urek
7. 3. 2022

Industrial veterani Ministry in Jello Biafra so združili moči ter skupaj posneli videospot za pesem Sabotage Is Sex. Ta je del bandovega aktualnega albuma Moral Hygiene iz lanskega leta.

28. 1. 2022

Industrial metal pionirji Ministry objavljajo nov video za komad Believe Me s svojega zadnjega albuma Moral Hygiene, ki je pri založbi Nuclear Blast izšel oktobra lani. Gre za spot, ki so ga fantje posneli v tako imenovani DIY maniri in si ga lahko ogledate spodaj.

12. 10. 2021

Scott Naylor (Reign Of Erebus, Iron Void) je novi bobnar pri britanski doom metal/crust zasedbi Workshed, kjer je zamenjal enega od ustanovnih članov Marka Whartona (ex-Cathedral, ex-Acid Reign, ex-Asomvel).

Trio poleg Naylorja na bobnih sestavljata še kitarist/vokalist Adam Lehan (ex-Cathedral, ex-Acid Reign, ex-Lord Crucifier) in basistka Helen Storer (ex-Fireball Ministry, Fluffy, Loaded).

8. 10. 2021

Ministry so objavili videospot za pesem Disinformation, ki jo najdete na nedavno preko Nuclear Blast izdanem celovečercu z naslovom Moral Hygiene.

6. 10. 2021

Ministry so minuli teden preko Nuclear Blast izdali svoj 15. album, ki nosi naslov Moral Hygiene. Album lahko poslušate spodaj.

17. 5. 2024
Dobrodelni koncert: Guni, Brutart, Jar of Flies, Enštalc
Kolpern, Jesenice
18. 5. 2024
Vratolom: Warm Up
Jalla Jalla Akc Metelkova, Ljubljana
18. 5. 2024
Ralu, Relentless Youth
Mladinski center Postojna, Postojna
18. 5. 2024
Undercode, Challenger
TrainStation SubArt, Kranj
19. 5. 2024
Seventh Station
Posavski muzej, Brežice
21. 5. 2024
Wolves in the Throne Room, Gaerea, Mortiferum
Arena, Dunaj