5. 6. 2023

Zaradi slabega zdravstvenega stanja dveh članov banda je julijski nastop Suffocation v Zagrebu odpovedan. V nadaljevanju lahko preberete celotno objavo za javnost:

»It is with deep regret that we have to announce the cancellation of our Summer June/July 2023 tour scheduled within Europe/UK. As you may know we previously toured Europe last month and during this tour a few members of the band suffered extreme physical strain resulting in injuries preventing us from returning back to the area less than a month from our previous tour.

Although it's never our intention to cancel any tour the health of our bandmates is key for continuing forward into the rest of the year and it's required that these members rest accordingly and recover from their injuries sustained during this tour. The physical strain that touring takes on the bodies of musicians manifests itself in many ways that are out of our control.

We have a lot in the works for the remainder of the year including writing and completing our new album and we look forward to returning to one of our favorite territories and fans in the EU/UK bringing you Suffocation at full strength, blazing and cranking alongside you all.

As you all know, Suffocation puts their all into our live show and we want to make sure fans get our all moving forward. Health and safety is our number one priority to ensure that we can bring it for you guys for the remainder of 2023 and beyond.«

Vračilo kart je možno od danes dalje v trgovini Dirty Old Shop.

31. 1. 2023

Ameriški metalcore/sludge metalci Jesus Piece so posneli videospot za single Gates of Horn s prihajajočega albuma ...So Unknown. To bo njihov drugi studijski dolgometražec in bo izšel 14. aprila pri založbi Century Media. Prinaša naslednje komade:

In Constraints
Fear of Failure
Tunnel Vision
Silver Lining
Gates of Horn
An Offering To The Night
Stolen Life
The Bond

11. 10. 2022

Ameriški black/death metalci Appalling napovedujejo nov studijski izdelek, tokrat pod okriljem založbe Personal Record, in sicer bodo 2. decembra izdali tretjo studijsko ploščo Sacrilege. Naslovnico zanjo je naslikal Benjamin A. Vierling, prinaša pa naslednje skladbe:

The Morningstar After (Intro)
Life in Prism
Gilded Restraints
Unwavering Feeling of Dread and Despair
Father Inferior
Collection Plate
These People Need to Die

25. 4. 2022

Norveški melodični death metalci Hypermass za 3. junij napovedujejo debitantski dolgometražec z naslovom Empyrean, s katerega že predstavljajo drugi single Behind The Leviathan. Naslovnico lahko preverite na priloženi fotografiji. Konec marca so že objavili prvi single The Degenerate Strain.

Empyrean prinaša naslednje komade:
The Constant
The Degenerate Strain
Null and Void
To Dissect and Serve
Behind the Leviathan

24. 12. 2021

Pri založbi Cruz Del Sur Music bo 4. marca posthumno izšel solo album doom metal ikone Erica Wagnerja (Trouble, The Skull, Blackfinger), ki nosi naslov In The Lonely Light Of Mourning. Na prihajajočem albumu sodelujejo tudi sedanji in nekdanji člani Trouble, Blackfinger, The Skull, LID, Pentagram, Death Row in Place Of Skulls. Spodaj si že lahko ogledate video za prvi single Maybe Tomorrow.

Tracklista je sledeča:
Rest In Place
Maybe Tomorrow
If You Lost It All
Strain Theory
Walk With Me To The Sun
In The Lonely Light Of Mourning
Wish You Well

21. 12. 2021

Švedska power/doom metal zasedba Memory Garden je pretekli petek pri založbi No Remorse Records izdala konceptualni album z naslovom 1349, ki mu lahko v celoti prisluhnete na tej povezavi.

1349 prinaša naslednje skladbe:
Shallow Waters
Rivers Run Black
The Flagellants
The Messenger
The Empiric
Blood Moon

Bonus skladbe:
Heart Of The Dark (Demo 1993)
Legions Of The Lost (Demo 1993
Up From The Ashes (Demo 1993)

20. 10. 2021

Švedska power/doom metal zasedba Memory Garden predstavlja videospot za prvi single in naslovno skladbo novega studijskega albuma 1349, ki bo izšel 17. decembra pri založbi No Remorse Records.

Tracklista je sledeča:
Shallow Waters
Rivers Run Black
The Flagellants
The Messenger
The Empiric
Blood Moon

Bonus skladbe za vinilno in limitirano digipak izdajo:
Heart Of The Dark (Demo 1993)
Legions Of The Lost (Demo 1993)
Up From The Ashes (Demo 1993)

20. 10. 2021

Založba Cruz Del Sur Music namerava marca prihodnje leto posthumno izdati solo album Erica Wagnerja z naslovom In The Lonely Light Of Mourning. Wagner je zagotovo najbolj poznan kot nekdanji vokalist legendarnih Trouble, kasneje pa je deloval še v zasedbah The Skull, Blackfinger in LID. Na albumu gostujejo bobnar Dave Snyder (Blackfinger, ex-Trouble), basist Ron Holzner (The Skull, ex-Trouble, ex-Debris Inc., ex-Earthen Grave, ex-Novembers Doom, ex-Place Of Skulls) in še nekateri sedanji in bivši člani Trouble, Blackfinger, The Skull, LID, Pentagram, Death Row in Place Of Skulls. 

Tracklista je sledeča:

Rest In Place
Maybe Tomorrow
If You Lost It All
Strain Theory
Walk With Me To The Sun
In The Lonely Light Of Mourning
Wish You Well

13. 9. 2021

Francoski melodičarji Destinity in Andy Gillion (ex-Mors Principium Est) so združili moči za single Dawn Never Breaks. Gre za 3. single z albuma In Continuum, ki ga bodo Francozi izdali 15. oktobra preko Crimson Productions. Tukaj je tracklista:

The Sand Remains
Reject The Deceit
Dawn Never Breaks
Architect of light
A Lucid Strain

16. 12. 2020

Aborted so se skupaj z Benighted, Hideous Divinity, The Acacia Strain, Fleddy Melculy ter Cult Of Lilith združili v Hell Over Europe 4 Tour. Pod okriljem Dirty Skunks pa se bo karavana 13. 10. 2021 ustavila tudi v ljubljanskem Orto Baru, a takrat brez Hideous Divinity ter Cult Of Lilith. Vse informacije o dogodku že lahko najdete na tej povezavi.

Avtorica: Tina Urek
24. 7. 2020

Svalbard predstavljajo videospot za skladbo Open Wound s prihajajočega tretjega albuma When I Die, Will I Get Better?, ki bo izšel 25. septembra v sodelovanju z založbami Holy Roar Records, Translation Loss Records in Tokyo Jupiter.

When I Die, Will I Get Better? ponuja sledeče skladbe:
Open Wound
Click Bait
Throw Your Heart Away
Listen To Someone
Silent Restraint
What Was She Wearing?
The Currency Of Beauty

15. 6. 2020

Pretekli petek je bil metalsko zelo pester, saj je prinesel kar nekaj novih izdaj. Med njimi so bili tudi The Acacia Strain, ki so izdali nov single Y in obenem najavili izid dolgometražca. Na digitalnem singlu se nahajata komada One Thousand Painful Stings in Earth Will Become Death. Njihov osmi studijski album Slow Decay pa bo izšel 24. julija pri Rise Records in prinesel sledeče komade:

Feed A Pigeon Breed A Rat
Crippling Poison
Seeing God (feat. Aaron Heard)
Solace And Serenity
The Lucid Dream (feat. Jess Nyx)
I Breathed In The Smoke Deeply It Tasted Like Death And I Smiled (feat. Zach Hatfield)
Inverted Person
One Thousand Painful Stings (feat. Courtney LaPlante)
Birds Of Paradise, Birds Of Prey
Earth Will Become Death

Avtorica: Tina Urek
4. 5. 2020

Progresivna zasedba Haken je objavila single Canary Yellow, ki se nahaja na prihajajočem albumu Virus. Ta izide 5. junija, na njem pa bodo sledeči komadi:

The Strain
Canary Yellow
Messiah Complex I: Ivory Tower
Messiah Complex II: A Glutton for Punishment
Messiah Complex III: Marigold
Messiah Complex IV: The Sect
Messiah Complex V: Ectobius Rex
Only Stars

Avtorica: Tina Urek
10. 1. 2020

Avstralski thrasherji Warrior Within, ki so začeli z delovanjem davnega leta 1992 in s prvo izdajo čakali do leta 2018, letos nadaljujejo z izdajo EP-ja. Ta nosi naslov In Light Act II in bo obelodanjen 8. februarja v samozaložbi.

EP nosi naslednje skladbe:
Rat Race
The Felling of the Oak
Awakening (life's purpose)

9. 7. 2019

Vodilna avstralska deathcore zasedba Thy Art Is Murder je posnela videospot za novi single Make America Hate Again s petega studijskega albuma z naslovom Human Target, ki bo izšel 26. julija pri založbi Nuclear Blast. Na albumu se prvič predstavi novi bobnar Jesse Beahler (ex-Black Crown Initiate, ex-Jungle Rot), ki se je skupini pridružil v začetku letošnjega leta. Za produkcijo je bil ponovno zadolžen Will Putney (Aversions Crown, For Today, The Acacia Strain, Fit For An Autopsy).

Human Target ponuja sledeče skladbe:
Human Target
New Gods
Death Squad Anthem
Make America Hate Again
Eternal Suffering
Welcome Oblivion
Voyeurs Into Death
Eye For An Eye
Chemical Christ

23. 6. 2024
Ernst-Happel-Stadion, Dunaj, Avstrija
25. 6. 2024
Tolminator Warmup: Vader, Biocancer, Warside
TrainStation SubArt, Kranj
26. 6. 2024
Ernst-Happel-Stadion, Dunaj, Avstrija
27. 6. 2024
Basinfirefest 2024
Spálené Poříčí, Češka Republika
28. 6. 2024
ODPOVEDANO!Cahn Fest 2024
Kipe v Trbovljah
29. 6. 2024
Sportarena, Budimpešta, Madžarska